Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #187,803  
Morning all, 23/25 going up to 49 and sunny.
Got the router sled built, now to start on the rails.
Will be able to "flatten" some of the planks and rounds when done.
I don't have a large work table, so figuring out how to run this on a smaller table is interesting.
Pictures tomorrow if I remember tonight. Didn't have time last night.

yes, we are going to get walloped with rain, hope all do ok up north with the snow.

Back to the day job,

Be well
   / Good morning!!!! #187,804  
The news shows a clip of a group of young men fighting with soldiers to forcibly cross the Mexico border, tearing down fencing and illegally entering the US. This is undeniably an invasion.
A shame :(
   / Good morning!!!! #187,805  
We will just have to get more 'creative' in how we discuss things relating to health.
for sure
I think we did that well with the alligators
most importantly, just be nice
makes me want to test the system, must be the devil in me...
let's see if the little yellow light goes on.

world is flat

let's see how many times we can make it go ding ding ding....
my apologies to the moderator, please keep your sense of humor

so much is about context
but yes this is getting more complicated, I wonder if there is a list of words that are
immediate triggers. I can guess at a bunch of them.
   / Good morning!!!! #187,807  
Good Morning!!!! 49F back here in Orcutt, CA. Sun and clouds mixed. High 66F. E winds shifting to W at 10 to 15 mph.

I worry about burning batteries, too, Drew. I picked up a little inexpensive 18"x18" stainless steel table off Amazon just to get the battery charger up off the ground.

Mess with the bull and you'll get the horns, Drew. :ROFLMAO:

Yesterday's trip got off on the wrong foot when I couldn't get the van all the way up the hill to the street. All those tool boxes meant the trailer was probably heavier than it's ever been, and carrying a relatively light load in the van was enough to unweight the front driving wheels so they spun uselessly in the gravel. Ended up backing down the driveway, very slowly so as not to go off the steep drop off to the side, hoping I had enough brakes to maintain control. My hands were shaking by the time I got back to the short concrete driveway that led back to the house, easily 1/8 mile in reverse, around a bend. Thought about calling a friend to see if he'd pull me up the hill with the tractor, but took several deep breaths and gave it one more try. Stuck to the left side of the drive where the gravel wasn't quite as deep and kept the front wheels spinning, traction control off, all the way up and over the top. Just barely made it, but good enough to get me on my way. Back on pavement, I got another clue that the trailer was way heavier than anything to date on the climb up to the main highway. Locked the transmission down into 1st and kept the revs up to about 4500 RPM and made slow but steady progress, never had to do that before, either. Then it was all down hill to the valley, and between engine braking and trailer brakes had no problem keeping the speed down through the corners so nothing shifted around in the load. Pulled over in Marysville to make sure nothing had come loose in the trailer, and found most of the straps had slack and the big roll away tool boxes were banging into the workbench. Spent the next half hour climbing around in the dark rerouting the straps, hoping the changes held things a little better. I5 seemed a lot rougher, as the thin layer of asphalt they laid down a few years ago was badly cracking at the expansion joints underneath, and the poor patch jobs were coming apart, too. Made me wish for one of those trucker air seats. Good thing I layered moving blankets between the tool chests and workbench, as everything in back was getting friendly, but otherwise seemed unharmed. Geared down again to get over the two small mountain passes along the way and ten hours later rolled in. Neighbor across the street was already home so I couldn't use his driveway to get the trailer aimed right, so I just parallel parked and left the rig out in the street.

Rain starts tonight, but I don't think it'll take near as long to unload as it did to pack. Just have to make sure to jack up the back of the trailer so the front doesn't go flying up into the air as things roll down the ramp.

TGIF gang!
   / Good morning!!!! #187,808  
I started a thread a while back.
and that didn't tell us what we wanted, since built in software autoreplaces it with ******

I had to chuckle, have to be careful using the word mostly since we have our own Mostly.

I did see where Ken posted the same kind of thing in his internal email, lighting up the IT desk.
we must have the same sense of humor...
btw, our moderator does have a sense of humor, no yellow lights for me.

sun is out, finally warming up, headed downtown to buy a Powerball ticket which is just my excuse to get out of the house
   / Good morning!!!! #187,810  
and that didn't tell us what we wanted, since built in software autoreplaces it with ******

I had to chuckle, have to be careful using the word mostly since we have our own Mostly.

I did see where Ken posted the same kind of thing in his internal email, lighting up the IT desk.
we must have the same sense of humor...
btw, our moderator does have a sense of humor, no yellow lights for me.

sun is out, finally warming up, headed downtown to buy a Powerball ticket which is just my excuse to get out of the house
If your words are not replaced with ****** after you post you should be good to go. Here is my list:

Edit: Just looks like the top two presidential candidates names were replaced.