Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #186,701  
I watched a YT video on coal mining last night and had to turn it off as they showed how tight and dark those mines are,
very claustrophobic. No caves, no mines for me.

Thomas, hope your wife feels better.
You too Buppies.
This is a worthwhile day trip for you:

   / Good morning!!!! #186,703  
17F clear sky low 20's for high,windy overnight 30-52mph.

Outside chores done E muffin time. :)
Plans for today...took day off from work keep an eye on the Mrs.,other than that take day as it comes.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,704  
Paul never have seen that model before, where when was that taken?
Paul hope wife had a clean bill of health.

The 5 cylinder H1 was the creation of the builder extrordinaire, Allen Millyard. Look on YouTube for some more of his creations like the Flying Millyard 5 liter Vtwin.

Wife is fine, thanks.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,706  
Good Morning
It’s 30° with a high of 40 forecast under mostly sunny skies. Windy, but only 15kts or so. Last night was so windy it sounded like a locomotive coming through the woods. Loud enough to distract Zoe when we went out for a walk.

Today will be back on the speakers, crossovers need to be wired to the jack plates, and the exterior finish needs to be applied.
I took a good look at the Progressive mower when I was out with Zoe, I found three more spindles with more bearing play than I would like (which is none). At least they’re on the wing decks which are folded up, giving easy access. I picked up new bearings from the local bearing house, as I used up the supply that came with the mowers. They were 50% more expensive than Amazon, it costs a lot to shop local.

Today is trash day, have to collect every thing and get the totes down to the road, got a call to play music tonight, so my day is already filled up.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,707  
30 going to 52. Clear blue 360.

Thomas, hope your wife is feeling better today. Good you're taking care of her.

Newbury and wife, Happy Anniversary!

Buppies, hope you can grab a nap.

BEF, hard to tell how big that cave opening is, but looks pretty sketchy.

Sodamo, espresso shots or lattes this morning?

Got a hike in yesterday with only a few sprinkles and a lot of wind...before the big rain hit.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,708  
Morning all;
A bright sunny morning here at this time, some heavy rain last night at times and a lot of wind. Per National Grid over 1100 separate outages effecting over 51,000 customers. Dropped from upper 50's yesterday aftenoon to low teens last night with the wind. Knock on wood our's didn't even flicker last night, when it used to blow a line fuse in any kind of wind or storm. I've put the tractor on the generator twice this winter just to be ready and haven't needed it once so far, the first winter I can recall not needing it a couple of times.
Just sitting here looking out the windows and enjoying my coffee (second cup) and thinking about what to have for breakfast. Seeing a large number of crows flying around out and about, may have to get there attention so they move on a bit, get to many roosting in the area the noise becomes quite intrusive.
Had considered letting the coal fire go out and just use the mini-splits for heat but it's looking to be marginal for them to be the more cost effective.
Everyone stay or get well.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,709  
Hope everyone has a great day!!

40F now, but temps will decline soon when the huge Blizzard Blast hits.

Everyone here has stocked food, filled vehicles with fuel, secured outdoor objects, and prepared for power outages. This is a big storm coming.

10 feet of snow in the next 4 days over Donner Summit. True "Donner Party" weather. It's the strongest forecast I have ever seen for this region. Forecast winds of 30-40 mph, with gusts of 65mph-80mph. I know winds at the summit can exceed 100mph.

Check out the daily snow forecasts for the next 4 days ...


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