Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #162,521  
Pond is defrosted, but one of the two pumps is fried. Took that out and swapped the other to run the 'waterfall' through all 3 levels. I'll start researching pond pumps for a replacement. Both of these pumps are at least 20+ years old. Not surprised that one gave up.

Driveway drip zone frozen solid, even thought the ambient air temp was above 45° for at least 6 hours. Didn't hand water due to working on the pond. Didn't get to clean the truck either. Need to save projects for other days.....

Wifey was trying a couple different pizza dough recipes, for a thick crust sicilian. To me, both were delicious. One was made with bread flour, the other was 'all purpose' flour. The bread dough may have edged out the regular....
But.... I have never eaten a 'bad' pizza.... some are just better than others.

Time to go get a shower and relax.
Never eat pizza in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts .
   / Good morning!!!! #162,522  
30 outside this AM. Heading to lower 50's. Rain seems to have missed us yesterday and this AM. Fine with that.

Managed to get all the remaining insulation and foam board up on the Milk House. Ran the lines for electric and refrigerant for Mr. Cool. All sealed up. Need to get the starter strip up and start the vinyl soonest.

Road trip in a few, SO has a post-op checkup. That will consume the day.

Hope all have a good start to the work week.

Feel better, Buppies.

Remember to be safe in what you all do today.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,523  
Good evening all. 33ºF for start, mostly clear, light breeze. Light wind day, mostly clear sky, and high temp was 61ºF. Chapel to start day, made pancakes for breakfast, watched some recorded news, swept porch and after lunch took down outside lights. Inside Christ decoration put away, will check on last one tomorrow. Pic of great granddaughter.
Bill enjoy energy conservation.
Ron glad you were able to get out and torch burn pile. Hope clean up went ok today. Nice Cardinal
Drew yes to cruise control. Think I had more tail winds than normal. Sorry about RV, never hurts to dream.
Billy sorry no snow. Truck is 201 F150 2.7 Ecoboost. Normal is 23 mpg while not towing. Good to decorations down. Sorry you missed the buck.
Frits does van have normal heater core, or just the remote start not working? Amazing still original ball joints.
Drew glad sister has power.
Mike hope you hit your weekend goals. Just like a bike ride, this is not a race.
Drew nice story, I always liked plant tours of plants that make stuff. One of my favorites was the original Corvette plant in STL
Kilroy Glad the mock up helped, good luck raising the mast.
Dave nice winter weather
RNG sorry wind woke you up so early. Glad you got the big stuff moved to front porch. Pic looks like many porches in the Ozarks :) Hope you got mounts done today.
Kilroy hope you got to work on mast. Hope you get tree out of your way.
Drew love the story.
Jim glad you got tree cut up. Sorry no drone flight. Hope Mr Cool works out for you.
Don did get some rest today. Thought I was going senile when I read you were planting something that other places you had been removing. Sorry bout leaving can at Walmart, hope you were able to retrieve it.
Lou nice pic
Thomas enjoy your Sunday. We are glad to be back.
Paul sorry about the head winds both ways. nice weather there, and nic pic. Hope Ricky is in goo form.
Buppies good to be home. prayers sent.
Gstrom pretty pic
Scotty good luck with weed abatement.
Ted hope you get a few days of low wind, and some moisture. hope you can get pond and pipes thawed. Thanks good to be home. Hope you were able to make progress.
Drew with the insulation will not take much to keep comfy.
Frits look yummy. my lunch was left over fajitas from last night.
David sorry your muscles don't like you. Hope painting went smoothly.
Ken good to hear Christmas decorations no longer on display. Sorry about project delays. Hope you enjoyed wife time at mall. Sorry about fox serenade.
Drew glad filter change went well.
Dennis never had that happen at worship that I can recall either. Sorry about water softener.
Don will be interesting to see how the Flex-Seal works.
Frits any idea what is with the creek flowing out of building? Lot od driftwood on bridge
Frits and if you have to ask what anything is is not in your ability to install :)
David glad paint is going on.
PJ glad you got nice nap. Eagle are big! Thought front went through as we left STL.
Thomas glad you kept Mrs happy. Never had miracle wrench.
RS Long night last night. Hope you recovered, and mad progress today.
Ted sorry about bad pump motor, 20 yr pretty good life. Rough duty being pizza inspector :)
Buppies hope you are better tomorrow. prayers for your health as well.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /learning new job, /friends upcoming new baby, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Ron /broken arm and heart, Billy /mom hypertension & congestive heart failure, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /new skin cancer spot and treatment, /elbow healing, /wife knee healing, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, /wife's vioce, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, Ken /dad possible dementia, /uncle's surgery, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife feeling bad, Lou /eye issues, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's new eye surgery recovery, Chris /neighbor's granddaughter and Covid issues, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage not doing well, / friend stop drinking, Paul/ wife's healing from back surgery, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /land development, / brother "alligallyitus" and back in hospital, Drew /foot heel issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, mike /wife's surgery, Scotty, /back pain, Frits /daughter recovery from surgery, Helogabals /second opinion, /wife's friend situation, Mark /wife colon surgery, Fatjay /father broken hip, Ukraine war, and Country.
One good thing about the mock-up: by b pivoting on the base of the mast and lifting toward the house, I can strap a snatch block to a beam and place it across the window above the little porch in the picture, and use the winch on the quad to do the heavy lifting in a controlled manner instead of having to struggle with all the weight while controlling the ascent past the edge of the solar panel, and can have two temporary guylines (in addition to the steel cables) that can be intermittently adjusted for safety as the lift is ongoing.

Mr. Howard (sophomore year Geometry teacher) was right - you WILL use this stuff again!
   / Good morning!!!! #162,524  
Good Morning!

God has given us another chance to get it right (or at least not screw up too badly).

It stayed in the low 40’s all night, so my decision to not run the woodstove worked out OK, HVAC only ran a couple times through the night.

More Christmas Decorations came down, but with the heavy rains yesterday nothing got moved to the shed and the boxes are stacking up.

Did a little more figuring on the StarLink antenna mast assembly. I ordered the StarLink Ground Pole mount (88” long), and the 10” length of EMT will slide into that for 24” and be secured with a bolt & nut. There will be 60” of EMT before it is bolted to the 10’ lengths of Unistrut, with an overlap of 36”. This will be bolted to the existing upright Unistrut on the solar array. The bottom of the mast will sit on a crossmember of the solar array, adding another 2’ of height, and that gives a total of 21’ (7+5+7+2) plus the height of Dishy, plus about another foot from the upward ground slope, so it should be pretty good. The weather outlook is good for the next couple days, it just sucks that it didn’t arrive about a week earlier since the seasonal job started Jan 2 and there is minimal daylight to work in after. . .

I hope everyone has a healthy happy productive blessed day!
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   / Good morning!!!! #162,525  
Good Morning.
Its 34 with a high of 40 forecast. Passing snow shower with a clear afternoon.

Yesterday was a slow day. Played with Zoe, did some tinkering in the shop, checked out the recording from Friday night’s get together. Had a leisurely lunch and then headed out for the afternoon show at the Sellersville theater. Ricky Skaggs was great, and we were home for dinner.


Son and Grandson came up to visit for dinner, kept us occupied until bed time.

Today I’ve got to deal with an ice machine and a pizza oven at the restaurant that are both not working. Hopefully the solutions will be easy.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,527  
38 this morning not too much sleep but never got out of bed wish I could say I feel better. Thanks for well wishes they do help

Prayers for all silent or spoken our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #162,528  
I figured for the Mr Cool excess length, you could straighten out what you need and cover it accordingly, and just leave the excess in a coil and hide it behind the condenser unit. Is it optimum, no, but the money saved by DIY would be my biggest factor buying one.
MR Cool makes lines in 16' and 25' lengths, if you get the 16' line, how much extra are you going to need to curl up?
Although I have noticed that most places selling MC only seem to stock the 25' length which does seem excessively long unless you are going to a 2nd floor. I did find at least one place that sells the 16' line, so they are out there.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,529  
Morning all, 36 going up to 45 and cloudy.
Trip to bordentown kinda boring, came back and did some more tape and seal.

Tonight to the high school for next year planning sessions, might need some more coffee :cool:

Buppies feel better soon

Keep catching fox on front door camera, seems to be hanging around.

Be well,
   / Good morning!!!! #162,530  
Good Morning all,
It is presently 41F under cloudy skies after an overnight low of 41, we received 0.68 inches of rain last night. Forecast is for a high of 46 with skies clearing late this afternoon.

Yesterday ended up being a quiet day, talking with Liz, watching a few movies on the telly, going for a walk with the pup.

Today is shaping up to be a paperwork day with a few errands in town.

Mr Cool doesn't happen for me until the shop is built, just doing research getting ready. The contractors are due to be here next week to start the build, they are guessing 6-8 weeks to complete, site work already done.

Hope all those who are feeling under the weather feel better soon.

Have a good day out there and be safe.