Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #189,912  
back from oncologist, he is sure my cancer has not returned but he ordered another CT scan anyway.
thinks the GI bug from two weeks ago may have set off my Menieres and brought on vertigo.
hopefully will feel better tomorrow.
thanks for the good wishes.
I hate talking about disease, rather talk about tractors...
Put those feet up take it easy Drew.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,915  
Good morning! Low of 41°, heading up to around 74°. Very windy for the next 3 days, 30-40 mph steady, gusts to possibly 65 mph!

It's also dry, dry, and more dry! 7-10% humidity levels have red flag warnings for days!

I am back from my "self imposed time out". I was getting severely aggravated by a few members on TBN, in addition to the daily "family troubles" saga.... I had to substantially step back before I got myself into trouble.

The BIL is still undergoing cancer treatment, more spots metastasized to odd areas of his body. He is fighting strong and maintaining a good mental outlook.
The problems come in from family.... 2 medical professionals that actually do know something, 2 "know-it-alls" that won't stop interfering with their misinformation, and quite a few of "deniers" that won't accept the fact of how bad his cancer is, considering his oncologist maxed life expectancy at a couple years with continuous chemo and radiation therapy.

I just had to step back.....

Multiple other issues going on too....
The knee has been giving me trouble, starting PT again next week. The Dr doesn't think it will help dramatically, but worth a shot to see if it will provide some relief.

Then some fighting amongst other family members that dragged the wifey into the middle... (me being collateral damage).... kinda still ongoing, but I now have the defensive barriers up in place for sure.

Plus some other issues also ongoing......

I know that God sends tests our way..... I am just ready for the final exam at this point.....
I have been told in the past that I am "the rock of the family structure" ---- I wonder if I'm basalt or limestone ...... multiple cracks at this point....

I'll check in occasionally, hopefully all this crap will settle down, can't be a whirlwind forever.....

Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!
Indeed a plateful LS :( hope you get some me time.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,917  
Dennis, curious, are those screws used with or without glue? I seem to recall it being very difficult to eliminate the squeaks without glue.
Screw right thru the carpet, no glue. It has helped, need some more put in.
Original subflooring was glue and nailed. Over time developed squeaks. The screws are designed to break at top of subfloor, and being screws should eliminate movement. Here are some before breaking them off
on Berber carpet they say to put scotch tape on the screw threads before going thru the carpet, to keep it from snagging.
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   / Good morning!!!! #189,918  
Well, now another episode of "crazy".....
The BIL apparently got dizzy and tripped up some brick covered stairs....
Broke his glasses and scraped/cut up/bruised his face. In the ER getting checked--- so family now all panicking. He didn't even want to go to the ER --- his son made him.
I'm going to go and hide now......
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   / Good morning!!!! #189,919  
On the way back from local dirt track racing last night, I hit my first deer (ever). 10:15pm Three ran across to road. I slowed way down, they cleared me but then the last one turned right around and ran back in front of me - BANG!, left front hit. I think I was only going 10 -15 mph. Minor damage: small dent in hood, bumper cracked, headlight is askew and windshield washer jug busted. Auto insurance claim started. That's a bit of deer hide, stuck on the foglight bezel. Don't know what happened to the doe.
Jeep deer damage.jpg