Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #183,333  
good morning all
been a strange night.
a three mouse night
put out new mousetrap in kitchen.
SNAP at 2am.
ok, good job
put out another one
SNAP at 2:15am
well, someone was wondering where their buddy was, met same fate
SNAP at 4pm.
little one, think I got the whole family.

no going back to sleep now....
24 out now, going up to 38 in sunshine, chilly day
one inch of snow now predicted for tomorrow but we are on the line so who knows

I have some errands to run today, then down to Philadelphia airport around dinner time to pick up a friend flying in/home.
I'm sure rush hour Friday night will be a fun time to drive home

pretty congested and sniffling, hope it's nothing
   / Good morning!!!! #183,334  
Coffee is brewing. 23° with cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 33° with some sky clearing. Grocery shopping went good. Very few people shopping and shelves were full. Stopped for a car wash on way home. Nice to see I still have a white car. Got a little sun in afternoon and took Sassy for a walk out to the back 40. Will do another Sassy walk today. Plus a some time on Recumbent exercise bike.
Sharing the seed cake.

Drew, checked the 3 traps I have out. No snaps in over 4 weeks. The hype is a lot lower here. Maybe 1" by Tuesdays. Snow plow is still in it's summer storage spot.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,335  
wow, that is sure some fine feathered food
looks healthy vs my rendered cow blocks...
we have a really nice bird feeding place locally, I should go in and buy
a treat for the birds.
All our birds of color left over a month ago. My SIL is avid birder locally and said the same thing.
Only small birds left and some occasional big black birds going through. No cardinals. No blue birds.
No blue jays. My feeders aren't getting eaten. Where did the birds go?

someone must have feeders like Ron, that's it, and they are simply serving
better chow down the street?

I even put out those little hardened peanut butter balls and they don't disappear like they used to.
I wonder if an owl has taken up residence in the woods, or something has spooked the birds.
six bird feeders, few takers

haven't seen the neighbor's cat over lately so don't think the local panther is the problem.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,336  

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19 going to 41.

Sodamo, glad Sophie's eye is better.

LS, did you find it? (the end?)

The ads on this site are getting bad for overlaying some of the posts.

Had to take my wife back to the doctor yesterday to redo the, had something to return to Costco...great return policy, but the line was kinda had pizza there, and did another "exploration" of the store...getting a little hiking done indoors, I guess. Picked up Turbo Tax so that makes the New Year official.

Well, that kept me from splitting firewood, so today's the day, although my splitter hates to start in cold weather.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,337  
clink clink clink clink
I can hear those tractor chains from here
this system will dump six to 12 inches of snow in New England, just a normal winter storm.
hopefully it will be a dry snow that is easily removed.
and no ice. Ice is when you are very glad you have chains.

maybe an inch here.
If only that, I'm doing nothing. Suppose to pour and warm up next day.
But I did get my shovel and snow melt out. Tis the season.

Phil, Scott, charge up those electric socks

Roy, somewhere up there, hope you are pushing big mounds of fluffy white snow in your John Deere.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,338  
Drew, when Sun is out lots of birds show up at my place. Lots of Doves, sparrows and Junco’s. Woodpeckers have been active. Cardinals are at feeders everyday. Blue Jays come and go. Nuthatch and Titmouse are always around. But are always moving. No Blackbirds this time of year.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,339  
11F clear sky mid 20's for high.

Outside chores done E muffin time. :)
Plans for today...4 hours part store,afternoon cut kindling clean up around wood pile,move pickup snowplow to better location...maybe date night.

Enjoy your day all.