Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #181,091  
And get this book. I have been cleaning out my parents stuff for 4 months and still not finished.
Na, that would just be another thing they wouldn't want... 😂

I have slowly started to declutter my house. S L O W L Y being the key word. But it's the probate issue that has me concerned, not the junk in the house. If they want the property, they can clean out the house...😂

I know some people that have their property in an LLC. I'm curious as to the difference between that and having it in a trust, as far as probate, etc.. My cousin's death with no family and no will is the perfect example of why you need something. It's been in probate a couple years now I think, going on 3 yrs since his death.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,092  
We had a nice Thanksgiving but the best part was when the little boys and I went out to the barn after dinner. We played hook up the tractor that involved every chain,strap and bungie in the barn. We could play happily out there all afternoon. My wife said their mom enjoyed a glass of wine and some time to relax. Those boys are fun but active.
They both seen pretty mechanical. I wonder if they will grow up to be engineers.

Hope you are enjoying the left-overs.

   / Good morning!!!! #181,093  
My niece visited with her 2 yr old daughter last summer. As we all sat at a dinner tale she gave little Hazel a coloring book and crayons. The little one was fascinated with the crayon box opening it and closing it eventually unfolding and refolding the bottom as well. I told my niece your daughter will grow up to be a mechanical engineer. ;)
   / Good morning!!!! #181,094  
Morning all, 27 going up to 42 and sunny, dog walk was a bit cold this morning.

Yesterday went well with the BIL dog and mine sometimes traveling in pairs, sometimes the BIL dog being defensive and my dog being oblivious. Dog slept well last night.

Made some roasted brussel sprouts, bought on the stalk and they came out really good, with the turkey and etc. Even with sending them home with packages we have plenty to keep us going for a while.

Limes from our Mexican lime tree are pretty good and used in drinks etc. yesterday.

Seems to be some dead animal in our front side area, hope it's not a deer, need to check and remove later.

Need to get the gas cans refilled for snow blower. generator etc., who knows might get snow this year.

Don - sounds like the recovery is going really well, glad to hear your ready for more adventures.

Sons friends here today for practice and staying the night over in the apartment. Will be noisy....

Be well,
   / Good morning!!!! #181,095  
Good morning! Low of 20°, only heading up to 37° today. Some spotty snow showers this morning after getting 4" overnight.

Definitely not 'fully prepared' for the white stuff.....
Critical stuff like the outside faucets are turned off, but the tractor, pond, hoses.... well none prepped.

David, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you enjoy many more.

Drew, your new "plan" for driving / stopping sounds a lot more pleasant. Be safe.

Kyle, your son sounds like mine.... there were times that he inadvertently upset the wife when he preferred a PB&J over the prepared meal. I know where he got it from....just say'in....

Fritz, my projected weight goal was to hit 175 lbs., so 13 more to go. Yes, the initial plan was to get off the weight to help the knee. A "side effect" that was unintentional, was the reduction of my cardiac meds to less than half--- a good thing for sure!

Had all the scrap in the truck, headed off to the dump after checking their hours on line..... guess what?
Got there and they are closed....
Not going in the snow today....

Did get the last portion of the walkway gravel spread. One wheelbarrow-full left over. That will be used for 'touch up'.
Then sorted all the materials that will be repurposed for extending the back deck into sized stacks.

Today will be an inside day --- moving our desk / office stuff into the new room. Should be interesting..... might find things that have been 'missing'....

Wifey told me she's "not cooking today".... I need to think up something.....

Everyone have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #181,096  
BEF and TxDon thanks for the reminders about decluttering. I sent that link to the better half and got a stern look response. She has been pretty busy lately. Actually got a good pickup load to the dump last week. Only 2,999 more to go!
   / Good morning!!!! #181,097  
oh no snow...
coming our way, perhaps, last year was a total bust.
never had to use the snowblower once
will likely pay this year

those tractor tire chains have always been heavy and each year
I bet they get even heavier. as a teenager I remember hanging them up on a big nail in the barn and the huge nail bent. Putting on those rusty chains was always the worst duty.
You Northern men lug that stuff out every year, always
enjoyed Lou's stories

any day my Father was going to work in the 60s, I had to get up at 5am and plow the 1/4 mile long gravel driveway with the 1951 JD B, pucka pucka pucka and a manually pumped front hydraulic lift snow plow. Want the blade up? Start pumping.
everything on that tractor was solid metal, the steering wheel, the hand clutch, the seat and boy were they cold sitting in an unheated shed.

When Ariens or EGO makes a remote control electric snowblower that I can drive from inside the house looking out the window, I'll be first in line to buy one. Actually my driveway is a simple rectangle, could program a robotic snowblower.

you sure aren't going to find an army of teenagers with shovels on their shoulders any more.

I wonder if some kids know what a shovel is?
Dad, isn't there an app for shoveling?
Yes son, it's called an APPlication of your arm muscles.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,098  
69°F and .01 inches rain.

Thanks for all your wishes. 🤙 need them.

Boxer boys had a good vet visit. Ended up leaving Kekoa for a lumpectomy. Picked him up end of day.

Managed to somehow break the ear bow piece off my glasses. Will attempt to fix today otherwise new frames in my future.

May lean to energy conservation day.

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #181,099  
today was more difficult than I expected because the wind was blowing 15-20 out of the West and constantly giving the rv shoves that I would have to correct for. Just too much gripping the wheel with both hands
as things move around a whole lot more than your car.
I was worried that something was wrong with rv until I got to the Albermarle River and it was a white mess of whitecaps.
Lots of wind, I never went over 60 today and enjoyed the slower pace.

I'm back at a favorite rv campground just South of Virginia Beach, Va
lovely water view, they put me right at the end closest to the water.
Stepped outside and down near the litttle beach and the wind was whipping. I took the drone with me and a couple went by asking if it would fly in all this wind. I told them surprisingly well.
So without any wind warnings showing, up I went and took some pics. Pretty much same as last time.

let's say the chilly wind is brisk.

I looked across the water and saw boats going by.
Ran back to rv, swapped drone for my good camera with telephoto, and got two of the three boats. There was the convertible in front and the two open sportfishermen behind. Serious fishing boats and these boys were headed out on a sunny Saturday. Hope they took pills, bet the water is pretty bumpy. That's why the big boy always goes first, plow the water a little calming it down for the smaller boats behind.

I need to keep my eye out that side and see if I can see more boats.
That's worth hustling out with the camera for.


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   / Good morning!!!! #181,100  
drone pics
North Landing Beach on Princess Anne Road way down almost to the state line.


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