Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #180,972  
Coffee has been poured. 34° with partly cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 46° with mix of sun and clouds. Shopping went good. First store I stopped at had a fresh supply of pumpkin pies. When it finally cleared up in afternoon I got net and all PVC off garden pond. Going to neighbors for Thanksgiving dinner.
Sassy and I wishing everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Everyone stay well and safe.

Good Morning All.
Sassy on patrol. ;)
   / Good morning!!!! #180,973  
"Bailey has been sitting by “her” door of the Subaru every time we let her out and has been reluctant to come back in the house - there is no doubt what signals she is sending!"

My Mom had a mother cat and of her last litter we kept 2 males. They grew into big cats and the mother cat was small, After a while she decided to go live with the neighbors. Somehow cats can do that.

Our big meal will be at 1:00. I'm looking forward to it. I hope you all have a great day.

   / Good morning!!!! #180,974  
Good Morning Guys,
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃!!

Ct, 38 to start going to 49 with sunny skies !

Going to brother and sister in laws for Thanksgiving, Kathleen is busy this morning making creamed onions along with some other things ! She may be Irish but Germans like everything creamed ! 😁

Mostly, we toured Pearl Harbor earlier this year and we were in awe of what we saw there ! Sounds like your doing a more extensive tour than what we did, but totally enjoyed every minute ! My fathers ship had to go in to Pearl Harbor a number of times for repairs, USS Wasp CV-18. Once for armor piercing bombs that went through 3 or 4 decks and exploding in their galley ! And another time they were in a typhoon and the flight deck got rolled over by a gigantic wave and that had to be repaired!
Hope you enjoy that your and your Thanksgiving!

Hope all have a blessed Thanksgiving! 🙏🦃
   / Good morning!!!! #180,975  
Actually he does, my sister has POA and pays his bills. He still insisted sending $10 to get $1300 so he did, cash.... One of the calls, that comes multiple times a day by a computer generated voice, asks right away, Can you hear me? Fortunately he either says nothing, or yells "who is this?". lol
At least it was only $10 and not more. I used to leave my mom a small amount of cash also but she finally got to the point mentally that every call is a scam and told people on the phone to call me. I never received one of the calls. we also set her landline ringer for one ring so she would not have enough time to answer and let them leave a message. Just recorded messages were left and we erased a dozen a week.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,976  
35F partly cloudy day low 40's for high windy.

Outside chores done E muffin time.:)
Plans for today...slow motion day,watch some football,nap, most of don't get caught picking turkey and desert also be on time for the feast which won't be problem.

All have pleasant safe holiday.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,978  
Happy Turkey Day to all who celebrate.

A tad cool today at thirty and the high to thirty-four degrees F. Wind SE five mph. Snow! Only about an inch, not worth firing up the tractor to plow.

My new keyboard is challenging me to write out the numbers in full. I am not sure what is going on there. There is no number lock button. I am pretty sure I know the cause, the cat woke me up with a rattling of the board and my lighter.

When I was on the road almost full time (ten months of the year), I insisted on either being home for Canadian Thanksgiving (October) or the American one. If the American T-G then I took the rest of the month off.

Time to check and see how much I didn't win on the lottery.

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #180,980  
seems I have a culinary challenge
forgot to pack the can opener
Oceanspray cranberry sauce can requires an opener.

so....I'll make the rounds later asking a neighbor to open
my can of cranberry sauce
will take some grapefruit and oranges as a thank you, still plenty left in the cooler.

had to chuckle, am running out of sugar for coffee also.
remember the old Charles Adam cartoon where the huge ogre
goes to a neighbor asking for a cup of sugar?
not trying my luck with that.
but I did look it up.
neighbor etiquette

Neighbor etiquette traditionally references "a cup of sugar" rule where neighbors feel comfortable borrowing things from each other. However, only half (53%) of homeowners 25 and older who have neighbors are likely to ask their neighbors for a "cup of sugar," whether literally borrowing something or asking for help from those that live near them.