Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #180,842  
Scootr, hope your eye heals up nicely and you can see clearly.
Thank you ! The first one healed up nicely in about 4 weeks time. Looking forward to seeing the world again. Those cataracts steal your vision slowly and you may not realize how bad your vision actually is until it's fixed. Amazing medical advancement for sure.
It took me a year to make the Dr appointment after my optometrist told me I would need the surgery... then the healthcare system and life's event took 11 months to get er done.
I recommend this for anyone affected with this problem.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,843  
Thank you ! The first one healed up nicely in about 4 weeks time. Looking forward to seeing the world again. Those cataracts steal your vision slowly and you may not realize how bad your vision actually is until it's fixed. Amazing medical advancement for sure.
It took me a year to make the Dr appointment after my optometrist told me I would need the surgery... then the healthcare system and life's event took 11 months to get er done.
I recommend this for anyone affected with this problem.
Before I looked at your location I thought you were somewhere in Kanuckistan. I thought medical services in the Excited States were provided much quicker than here.
Hope all is good.
Everybody deserves a new Cadillac.
Explanation. I knew an older Italian guy who couldn't pronounce cataract and it came out Cadillac.
"Ima going for Cadillac surgery." :unsure:
   / Good morning!!!! #180,844  
Before I looked at your location I thought you were somewhere in Kanuckistan. I thought medical services in the Excited States were provided much quicker than here.
It used to me, then something happened in the last few years. My next Dr appointment is several months away.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,845  
Before I looked at your location I thought you were somewhere in Kanuckistan. I thought medical services in the Excited States were provided much quicker than here.
Hope all is good.
Everybody deserves a new Cadillac.
Explanation. I knew an older Italian guy who couldn't pronounce cataract and it came out Cadillac.
"Ima going for Cadillac surgery." :unsure:
I have a friend in Mississippi who makes up his own words ~ Amusing himself and others. 🤪
So many people on the list for this operation here. The Dr I used is very good and the wait was worth it. Friend in Kentucky got surgery right away ~ They put the wrong prescription in one eye and he had to go back, then other problems and he had more eye surgery...:oops: scared me. But glad I found a good one.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,846  
No question it will be good to have. There are many reviews mentioning features that have issues. Wondering about a basic less complicated one may be better for her?
I have not had a problem with mine. The problem I see most is caused by poor/faulty installation. Can't help you or her with that. To retrieve the videos, you can also just remove the XD card. Put it in an adapter and view the video on a PC. There will be two videos (front and rear view) every time you start the vehicle or at predetermined time cycles. Parking lot videos have their own cycle and sensitivity. You don't have to buy the extra dash button--There's a big yellow button on the front dash cam that will do the same thing. The button just makes it easier and safer by not having to take your eyes off the road. Oh yeah, it's also worth getting the optional Polarizing Filters too.

I bought Dashcam Viewer software separately because it reads both front and rear files at the same time and syncs them on the PC. You can switch between the front and rear to make each a primary view. The secondary will be in a PIP view. It also shows a real-time map of the location of the vehicle in sync with the video. That helps to find an incident you want to save.

But hey, if that's too much, it's too much. :oops:
   / Good morning!!!! #180,847  
....well I beat some of the rain, got the final splits into the wood shed. Have about 25 feet of oak yet to saw up. Yeah, it was a big one, root ball and all came up. Makes it nice that it is sitting off the ground at a perfect level to cut. In a few days it will have been three years since it came down.

Here is about when it came up, the root ball is six feet something inches.

   / Good morning!!!! #180,848  
I asked AI my question about blackbird synchronous flying a nutshell, it said "swarm intelligence"...that by a bird just simply keeping pace with its 6 closest birds, the whole flock takes on a swarm intelligence...

Here's the full answer:

That’s a very interesting question. Flocking blackbirds are a fascinating phenomenon that has puzzled scientists and observers for a long time. There are different theories and explanations for how these birds can move in such synchronous ways, but one of the most widely accepted ones is based on the concept of swarm intelligence1.

Swarm intelligence is the collective behavior of a group of individuals that emerges from simple rules and local interactions. It is often seen in nature, such as in ant colonies, bee hives, fish schools, and bird flocks. Swarm intelligence allows these groups to achieve complex tasks and adapt to changing environments without any central coordination or communication1.

In the case of flocking blackbirds, researchers have found that each bird follows a few simple rules, such as:

  • Stay close to your neighbors, but not too close
  • Align your direction and speed with your neighbors
  • Avoid predators and obstacles
By following these rules, each bird can coordinate its movements with the rest of the flock, creating stunning patterns and shapes in the sky. However, each bird does not need to pay attention to the whole flock, but only to its six closest neighbors2. This way, the information and adjustments can spread quickly and efficiently throughout the flock, allowing them to react to external threats or opportunities in a matter of seconds2.

Some of the benefits of flocking behavior for blackbirds include:

  • Increased safety from predators, as they can confuse or deter them with their large numbers and rapid maneuvers
  • Enhanced foraging efficiency, as they can share information and resources with each other
  • Improved thermoregulation, as they can keep warm by huddling together in cold weather
Flocking blackbirds are an amazing example of how simple rules can lead to complex and intelligent behavior. They demonstrate the power and beauty of nature’s self-organization and adaptation. I hope this answer helps you understand more about this topic. If you want to learn more, you can check out the links I provided in my response. Thank you for your curiosity. 😊
Six degrees of separation. LOL.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,850  
I have not had a problem with mine. The problem I see most is caused by poor/faulty installation. Can't help you or her with that. To retrieve the videos, you can also just remove the XD card. Put it in an adapter and view the video on a PC. There will be two videos (front and rear view) every time you start the vehicle or at predetermined time cycles. Parking lot videos have their own cycle and sensitivity. You don't have to buy the extra dash button--There's a big yellow button on the front dash cam that will do the same thing. The button just makes it easier and safer by not having to take your eyes off the road. Oh yeah, it's also worth getting the optional Polarizing Filters too.

I bought Dashcam Viewer software separately because it reads both front and rear files at the same time and syncs them on the PC. You can switch between the front and rear to make each a primary view. The secondary will be in a PIP view. It also shows a real-time map of the location of the vehicle in sync with the video. That helps to find an incident you want to save.

But hey, if that's too much, it's too much. :oops:
This description would be for a specific brand or model. Not all are multi view. Not all work with that software.
But most you can just hook to computer with usb cable to save videos. Most have a button to lock a video so it won’t get overwritten. Some new ones have WiFi to download video to your phone. Some don’t even have a display, that’s a no go for me.
I recommend, but don’t yet have, front and back cameras. Most of my near accidents are from the rear, usually someone going very fast with sudden lane changes.