Backhoe GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read)

   / GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read) #1  


Veteran Member
May 24, 2010
MF GC2410
Last couple of months have been rough on my water system. My 27 year old in the well water pump gave out during a snowstorm. Well driller came out and replaced it the very next day($1400)-I even took the opportunity to upgrade from a 7 gpm 1\2 horse pump to a 10gpm 3\4 to help with irrigation in the summer. For a month and a half after that my water would come in very dirty\cloudy, something I haven't seen since the replaced the broken water line 3 years ago. Tried running it in bypass mode for three days, tried bleaching the system-would help for a short time but went right back to being cloudy.

Had a water tester come in and he said water was safe to drink but to save my boiler, water tank and new pump he recommended a $2,000 iron\sediment filtration system-f-that. Never has a problem with this until the pump was replaced. was beginning to think my new pump with more horse power and my well which can handle a 70gpm constant drain before starting to empty was stirring up the sediment.

I was about to give in when I decided to try charcoal filters on the house line. Ran the outside faucet for 2 hours when I noticed a puddle bubbling up around the well casing. Sure enough when the water pump ran the water bubbled up and when it shut off it dried up. Called the well guy and he said yep-gotta dig it out. He asked-Aint you that fella that is the mini BH and loader? That was all I needed to hear. On a cold rainy day we worked together to dig out the water line connection to the well casing using my GC2410, he spotted me until we got 5 feet down to the coupler. Sure enough it was broken at the connector and and when the pump activated it shot out, when it wasnt, the dirty water from the ground water table was seeping into the well which is where my dirty water was coming from. (The water table sits just above the connector during wet season)

He was the fellow that replaced the water line 3 years ago and swore he replaced the coupler....we figured out it was the excavator operator from 3 years ago that damaged it and covered up his screw up. When he put the new pump in it just opened the crack even more :( Thats what killed my 27 year old pump prematurely we think.

Because the water table was higher than the coupler he needed to work on I had the idea of digging a deeper trench next to us to drain the water out with a sump pump-worked like a charm. We replaced the coupler and I called in for three yards of moon sand to back fill it. Had everything covered up because the polar vortex was supposed to start that night with a 20 degree night-and it did. I also kept slipping in the clay and mud from the rain. I just finished landscaping the damage last weekend.

My GC performed perfectly, was a little nervous because I had not started it all winter but she started first crank :) The folks that helped me out were used to heavy and mini excavators but they were very impressed with the GC. I am so happy because now I have clean/clear and safe drinking water and I dont need a $2k filter anymore :)
   / GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read) #2  
Great you got it figured out and fixed the right way!
   / GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read) #3  
Saved the day and your pocketbook. Good story.
   / GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read) #4  
Similar-- on the absolute hottest day of the year a couple years ago, we had a septic "issue" and had to have the tank emptied.

GC to the rescue! What would have been a back-breaking job in 95 degrees and 99% humidity was made very quick with that backhoe. I was a very happy camper that day! The fellow with the pumper truck was also real glad to see that little tractor!

Still consider that GC2310 to be one of the more astute purchases I've ever made.
   / GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read) #5  
And folks say a backhoe is an extravagant and mostly useless purchase. I wouldn't trade mine for a solid gold monkey.
   / GC2410 to the rescue-My hero.(long read) #6  
And folks say a backhoe is an extravagant and mostly useless purchase. I wouldn't trade mine for a solid gold monkey.

A solid gold monkey the size of a small 9 lb. Monkey would end up weighing about 35 troy pounds just based on physical size. That means a solid gold monkey would be worth about $525k at just simple spot pricing :)