Gas from dirt?

   / Gas from dirt? #3  
I should have read the article first...

It may have a good chance... still smells funny to me though...

   / Gas from dirt? #4  
where are you going to get the CO?. there isnt much in the air you know.
10 million cubic foot of air to be run thru your microbes to get one cubic foot of CO (carbon monoxide) then to be converted to a partial cubic foot of propane C3H8.. where does the hydrogen come from?.. and dont forget that the main part of gasoline is Octane. so 8 carbon atoms to put together instead of 3 as in propane. even a smaller partial cubic foot of gas after processing all that air.. sorry all this is not feasible. We are going to have to drill if we want energy. This is right up there with ZPM zero point energy modules and other "free" energy schemes. as Roy would say: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
James K0UA
   / Gas from dirt? #5  
where are you going to get the CO?. there isnt much in the air you know.
10 million cubic foot of air to be run thru your microbes to get one cubic foot of CO (carbon monoxide) then to be converted to a partial cubic foot of propane C3H8.. where does the hydrogen come from?.. and dont forget that the main part of gasoline is Octane. so 8 carbon atoms to put together instead of 3 as in propane. even a smaller partial cubic foot of gas after processing all that air.. sorry all this is not feasible. We are going to have to drill if we want energy. This is right up there with ZPM zero point energy modules and other "free" energy schemes. as Roy would say: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
James K0UA

But yea-- this just does not look like it will work but does at least look as interesting as Darkeon Theory...:laughing:

Speaking of Roy-- where is he???

   / Gas from dirt? #6  
this is not feasible. We are going to have to drill if we want energy.

Your right...
If they can't get this to work by the end of the week ... they should quit looking for alternative fuel sources, just the thought of someone looking to find something new is ... offensive and deserving of ridicule... what nerve... Ha ha
   / Gas from dirt? #7  
Excuse me? Did I say something I could not prove? Did I say we should stop looking for new sources of energy? What I said was the claim of producing significant fuel from this microbial process was very unrealistic. Right up there with perpetual motion machines. We are constantly being bombarded mostly by news media with worthless schemes to try to give people hope that our enesrgy problems can be solved by some "feel good" scheme. I for one am tired of it. The source for a new fuel has to come from somewhere, The old Law of the conservation of energy thing? You know Energy is neither created or destroyed, It just moves from one state to another. You cannot get something from nothing. As an example Ethanol fuel. a big bust, Even I fell for that one. Seems there isnt enough land to grow enough corn to supply the fuel we need, Also there is the little matter the amount of energy to grow and fertilize the corn, and the small matter of the large amount of water to process it into ethanol. Without a government subsidy, We would not do it at all. That is how you can tell when a process or thing is not any good, when the government has to subsidise it get people to buy into it. Like the Electric Car..for instance. Now the Electric car might do some people some good, those that drive short distances, BUT why do I have to pay for it for you to "feel good" driving it?. Also if every household in America had an Electric car in the garage, we would all have to shell out for a major upgrade to our electric delivery systems from the power plant to the neighborhood to your own Entrance cable.. If you dont believe it just do the math. one horsepower = 750 watts. How many hoursepower does it take the average car to sustain level driving to buck wind resistance and tire rolling resistance? at least 30. How long do we expect a car to last on a trip between charges? Do the math. Like I said , might work for a few people, but sure will cause more problems than it will solve. Not going to fix our energy problems.. We are going to have to drill
James K0UA
   / Gas from dirt? #9  
There are plenty of fuel sources , even low polluting types but the oil and coal companies have a vested interest in stopping them ever seeing the light of day (by any means) .

Everyone tells us that it is impossible to power engines from water , NASA is ecstatic they have found frozen water beneath the surface of the Moon . They proudly tell us they can refuel rockets with that water to go further into space . Who's lying ?
   / Gas from dirt?
  • Thread Starter
There are plenty of fuel sources , even low polluting types but the oil and coal companies have a vested interest in stopping them ever seeing the light of day (by any means) .

Everyone tells us that it is impossible to power engines from water , NASA is ecstatic they have found frozen water beneath the surface of the Moon . They proudly tell us they can refuel rockets with that water to go further into space . Who's lying ?

Water is the foundational source of O and H.

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