G174 axle seals

   / G174 axle seals #1  


Jul 11, 2015
Buffalo, MN
Bolens g174 / Iseki tx1510/2160 K3B engine
Going to finally do my axle seals...

Popped off the hydraulic lift assembly already...

I can see the 2 snap rings for the axle but how is a guy supposed to get the left side one under the ring gear?

Do the side cover plates where the brake rods go into need to come off and then remove ring and pinion somehow? Everything else I've done on this tractor over the years has been pretty simple so just want clarification from someone who has done it before I start digging in any deeper...



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   / G174 axle seals #2  
Per manual, you'll have to pull side extensions off to get to snap ring.
   / G174 axle seals #3  
Going to finally do my axle seals...

Popped off the hydraulic lift assembly already...

I can see the 2 snap rings for the axle but how is a guy supposed to get the left side one under the ring gear?

Do the side cover plates where the brake rods go into need to come off and then remove ring and pinion somehow? Everything else I've done on this tractor over the years has been pretty simple so just want clarification from someone who has done it before I start digging in any deeper...


Would you mind posting as many photographs and comments as possible? My rear axle is leaking oil like crazy (iseki tx1300f), so pretty soon i will have to do the same.

Thanks in advance!
   / G174 axle seals
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Sure.im not very good with pictures so if I'm missing some ask for more lol...

I'm learning as I go and trying to cheaply source all the bearings and seals... so far all the seals and and o rings to do the rear end and the 3 point lift piston seals since it's apart have only cost me $47...
   / G174 axle seals
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Well got it stripped down a little further as I had a sick kid stay home today so made it out in the shop for a little bit...

Fenders are off
Brake rods off
Diff lock rod off
3pt hydraulic piston assembly off
So far super easy.

I took out my rear pto shaft cover cause I spotted a bearing for the pto output they had an inside ball seperator coming apart... (plastic ball seperator???) Wonder if someone replaced that bearing before or not...

Now time to take the brake shoe covers and differential side housings off to get the axles out this weekend...

Here's a few pictures. Anyone wants more pictures or different angles or anything just ask.



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   / G174 axle seals
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More pictures of axle housing removal...

Looks like the diff lock engagement cogs are kinda chewed up on the tractor side they look chipped so they must be pretty hard... the lever side doesn't look like much wear at all...
The axle and housing took some wiggling and gentle prying to get out as the main bearing fits in the bore pretty tight... everything else is a breeze so far...


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   / G174 axle seals #7  
The axle housing gasket is also a shim. I had to make new ones using pre compressed gasket material.
   / G174 axle seals
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I also made my own gaskets... for everything... axle pto rear cover hydraulic assembly everything...

I used felpro material compressed gray for the axle housing and pto cover and then a little bit thicker bluish gray stuff kinda like garlock stuff we use at work but made by fel pro for the hydro cylinder assembly...

Pic the the gray fel.pro...


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   / G174 axle seals #9  
here is a video of how I made my gaskets.


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