Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't!

   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2003
Kentucky, West of the Lakes, South of Possum Trot.
Kioti CK20S
Those bastards hurt when they sting.

Neighbor going to pour a pint of gasoline down the hole tonight. The nest is about 6" from the wood fence on his side.

They got me twice, on the right thumb and ankle. Eight hour ago and still hurting.

   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #2  
You guys sure have a lot of those "ground dwelling" yellow jackets. Here it's the ones that build nests - like bees. The ones that have alway stung me - build their little nest in any open pipe or open cubby hole on any/all of your implements.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #3  
You guys sure have a lot of those "ground dwelling" yellow jackets. Here it's the ones that build nests - like bees. The ones that have alway stung me - build their little nest in any open pipe or open cubby hole on any/all of your implements.

Over on this side of the cascades we have them building nests just about anywhere, holes in the ground,as well any oher place they take a fancy. Some right out in the open. Coe fall they hibernate till spring. they love to hibernate on the undersides of firewood, bring in the house and when it warms up they go a flying. Nasty little devils. Their injected enzyme breaks down the tissue. On animals they then eat the tissue causing some pretty bad sores. Our dog just got hit and lost some flesh. Long healing process.

   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #4  
Been lucky so far this haven't got stung.
Skunk will also take care of the nest.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #5  
10% Sevin dust works like a champ without the use of accelerants. I put the stuff in a pliable squeeze bottle with a large, 1/4" opening in the nozzle. You wait until after dark and then squirt the dust into the entry hole. The wasps get covered in dust as they leave and enter the nest and it's lights out. This method has never failed me and yes, the skunks will find the nests, dig them up and eat the larvae leaving a nice pothole to step in later.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #6  
You've got to be careful with those little buggers. Years ago my Dad was bush hogging along the edges of the field and ran over a huge next of yellow jackets, they got him bad enough to put him in the hospital for two days.
I never saw my Dad afraid of anything before that, but afterwards if he saw a yellow jacket, he'd leave the area, real quick.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #7  
When I first bought my place, I got stung 5 weeks straight when mowing the grass. They always seemed to get me in the head or neck.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #8  
Those bastards hurt when they sting.

Neighbor going to pour a pint of gasoline down the hole tonight. The nest is about 6" from the wood fence on his side.

They got me twice, on the right thumb and ankle. Eight hour ago and still hurting.


Cotton ball with vinegar. Press and hold on place stung, should take the pain away.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #9  
10% Sevin dust works like a champ without the use of accelerants. I put the stuff in a pliable squeeze bottle with a large, 1/4" opening in the nozzle. You wait until after dark and then squirt the dust into the entry hole. The wasps get covered in dust as they leave and enter the nest and it's lights out. This method has never failed me and yes, the skunks will find the nests, dig them up and eat the larvae leaving a nice pothole to step in later.

We've used an old, clean and dry mustard bottle with the spout opened up a bit to make a dust puffer in the past when we had yellow jackets in our eves. Worked pretty well. Took a couple days, and they were gone.

Another thing that works really, really well is RAID wasp and hornet killer. It has a straight stream and you can stand 15' back from the nest opening. Anything that comes in our out dies. That stuff is scary quick. Just a drop on a bug and it falls out of the air. Nerve agent. Can't be good for the environment. Scary effective.
   / Found a yellow jacket nest. Wish I hadn't! #10  
My solution is quick and cheap. I soak an old rag with diesel, and just drop it over the yellow jacket hole, and leave it alone. Within 1 day that nest is gone. There will be evidence of them having been there as there will be a few laying dead around the entrance.