Found a new zerk (Kioti CK27 HST)

   / Found a new zerk (Kioti CK27 HST) #1  


Veteran Member
Sep 29, 2013
Riverside, CA
Kioti CK27HST
While working near the main hydraulic distribution box under the right side of my tractor I noticed this device.
Does anyone know what this device is? (large oval) new_zerk.jpg
Zerk at its base (small circle) is kind of hard to see here.
Pretty sure I've never greased that one. :eek:
   / Found a new zerk (Kioti CK27 HST) #2  
I believe. That hooks to your transmission rod. It is a shock type device that helps slow down the transition from forward to reverse when you operate the directional pedal. My CK20 had it also. I don't remember ever greasing mine. Check your manual.

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