My wife and I were on an Interstate highway, driving around 65 mph, following a guy in a pickup truck pulling a pretty sizeable enclosed trailer. I noticed his trailer fishtailing a couple of times, mildly, and he got it under control by slowing. The fishtailing seemed to be getting worse the more it occurred. Then on one occasion the fishtailing got violent, got extreme, and ended up throwing his truck off the highway, with truck, trailer and all going down a pretty steep bank. We stopped, along with a lot of others. It turned out that he was carrying an expensive collector car in the enclosed trailer. Needless to say, the car suffered some damage (the driver wasn't injured). I don't know for sure but I'd bet that the car inside the trailer wasn't cinched down in place correctly, worked loose, and moved backwards inside the trailer to the point at which the tongue weight was so light that the fishtailing got increasingly violent. Scary.