First electric tractor ride

   / First electric tractor ride #101  
And my trimmer is only for fuel load reduction to suppress wild fires...

I've seen too many time street light come on midday from sky chocked with smoke.
   / First electric tractor ride
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Can't make a nuclear reactor that small. You must have critical mass and all kinds of shielding.
How disappointing.
I have the coffee can on my kitchen table and I took a fender off my model Mustang.
   / First electric tractor ride #103  
As with all politicized issues, misinformation is true to follow. The global emission of CO2 from cars (~800 million) is 3-4 times that of all the ships put together.
And I don't care. Greenhouse gasses attributed to human activity amount to only 0.28% of all greenhouse gasses, making our effect on the climate minimal. And we are currently at a CO2 level below what it has been for most of history. It got to 15000 ppm when the dinosaurs were alive, and there was no runaway global warming. There won't be at 400-500 ppm either.
   / First electric tractor ride #104  
How disappointing.
I have the coffee can on my kitchen table and I took a fender off my model Mustang.
I have some woofel dust I can sell you. That might help. :)
   / First electric tractor ride #105  
I would like to get an electric tractor soon for my operation. I know it would not be perfect for all operations but would definitely be good for some chores.
1. Fencing when you are on and off the tractor frequently with little distance traveled comes to mind.
2. Hooking up equipment without exhaust in your face is also nice.
3. Short duration mowing or raking hay. With a quiet engine it would be useful to listen to the equipment you have attached and be able to listen for problems before they become loud enough to hear over an ICE.
4. Picking up hay bales when required to stop often to load a wagon.
5. Short trips to deliver hay or feed to the cows.

Some concerns.

1. Price
2. Parts when it is not a common manufacturer. I wouldn't buy an ICE tractor from an unknown company either.
3. It would have to be a second or third tractor. If you can only have one tractor and need it to make a living for today you probably have no choice but ICE.
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   / First electric tractor ride #107  
If there are 90,000 cargo ships with each spewing the equivalent of 50,000,000 cars in a year, how is that possible?
The thrust of this is the utter hypocrisy of the state of California worried about your string trimmer as opposed to the immensity of the polluters entering their ports.
And, that's just the ships!. Crickets about the planes and trains running in this state.
But oh..look out for that string trimmer.
I thought ships had to switch to 'clean' spec fuel when they near US ports.
But there are no controls on the open ocean, that would need worldwide treaties that would never be universally signed.
Anybody know more about this?
   / First electric tractor ride #109  
Washington State is also sunsetting ICE vehicles in 2035...

Remember what starts in California seldom stays here... we are very good at exporting...
   / First electric tractor ride
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And I don't care. Greenhouse gasses attributed to human activity amount to only 0.28% of all greenhouse gasses, making our effect on the climate minimal. And we are currently at a CO2 level below what it has been for most of history. It got to 15000 ppm when the dinosaurs were alive, and there was no runaway global warming. There won't be at 400-500 ppm either.
Darn volcanoes. They should know better and boy, you thought cows were bad for methane, I wonder what a million brachiosaurs were making.