Finally got the Christmas lights put up

   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #11  
I see the control box inline - that must be one of those fancy sets that can make it seem like the light is racing along.
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #12  
I hope everyone is careful putting up the lights. I noticed an article in the newspaper last week about a fireman who had a part time job putting up Christmas lights for people and he's in the hospital in critical condition after falling off the roof of a 2 story house.

I heard that story on TV too. If I'm not mistaken, they said he was actually installing lights on his own house when that happened. I would think there might be insurance issues if he was working part time, but on his own house he shouldn't have any insurance hassle to deal with after his recovery.
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #13  
Jim, I don't know whether what you saw was the same person or not. The story about Richard Smith, McKinney firefighter says he was working a second job in Frisco. But of course, the news media has been known to get facts a bit confused at times.:rolleyes: Maybe one of the reasons this one stuck in my mind is because it mentioned BuAnna Phillips of Carter BloodCare who is an old friend of one of our daughters, and in fact, joined us for dinner Thanksgiving.
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #14  
Jim, I don't know whether what you saw was the same person or not. The story about Richard Smith, McKinney firefighter says he was working a second job in Frisco. But of course, the news media has been known to get facts a bit confused at times.:rolleyes: Maybe one of the reasons this one stuck in my mind is because it mentioned BuAnna Phillips of Carter BloodCare who is an old friend of one of our daughters, and in fact, joined us for dinner Thanksgiving.

Bird, you sure seem to be right. Kathy and I both heard the news story on TV, and we both heard he was working on his own house. It's amazing how inaccurate some stories can be when they are first reported. Accuracy doesn't seem to be needed for a "scoop.":rolleyes:
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up
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I hope everyone is careful putting up the lights. I noticed an article in the newspaper last week about a fireman who had a part time job putting up Christmas lights for people and he's in the hospital in critical condition after falling off the roof of a 2 story house.

I didn't get on the roof; just on the ladder to put lights along the eaves of the house Saturday after Thanksgiving to make my wife happy, but I'm hoping next year I can sell her on the idea that I'm too old to do that anymore.:D

I used extreme care putting up these lights, making sure not to touch any part of them. The theme this year for our display is "Chaos Theory".

Good advice though, Bird. There was a guy that lived near us that I had sold an old garden tractor to, anyway, he was working fairly high up an extension ladder (can't remember what he was doing, but it could have been putting up lights) that he had tied off to the bumper of his pickup. Well, doesn't his daughter hop in the truck and try to drive off. Now he's paralyzed, brain-damaged and confined to a wheelchair.
So, please do be careful out there! Put your lights on something low!
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #16  
I've got a box full of those same lights and my wife keeps trying to tell me there not supposed to look like that when your done.....:rolleyes:
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #18  
When I saw this thread was started by Heywood, I felt like I just witnessed a car accident. I didn't want to because I knew it would be ugly, but I had to look. :D

Heywood, I think you're onto something. You should hire out your services. I'll write the add for you. Here it is:

"Highly respected artistic type hiring out his skills to hang your Christmas lights and decorations. Your husband doesn't have the time or ability. Let me make your house the talk of the neighborhood. You provide the lights. No more untangling miles of cord. Quick, courteous service, reasonable rates. Guaranteed to make you smile and your kids laugh. Licensed, bonded, and insured, and ready to be committed. Call Heywood at BR-549. Formerly Junior Samples used car sales."
   / Finally got the Christmas lights put up #19  
Unfortunately, the Dallas Morning News this morning says the firefighter, Richard Smith, that I mentioned above, has died from the injuries suffered in the fall on November 20.