face mask for mowing tired of the dust?

   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #21  
A cab tractor with air conditioning changed my life waited way to long to get one, should of bought one 10 years sooner.
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #22  
Any suggestions on what a good mask is for mowing?

I'm tired of sneezing and tasting dirt after i mow.

I was looking at a brand called RZ mask. If anyone can suggest a RZ mask which one because they have mesh, nylon etc.

For me the dust affects me the day after i mow i wake up sneezing 1,000 times and blowing dust out of my nose.

I do have a Respirator but that seems over kill not to mention hot!
I found that wearing a mosquito net hat helps quite a lot, but if the finer dust bothers you, 3M makes an N95 mask with an exhaust port... 3M 9001V. The exhaust helps with the heat & moisture, it also helps a bit with foggy glasses.
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #23  
I wrote the following for our local community's FaceBook page a couple of years ago. It covers my use of the mask I wear when needed:
If you have to work outside in this foul air, I recommend getting a silicone half mask with replaceable filters. Whatever you get, make sure that N95 replaceable filters fit it. I use this:
  • North Safety NSP770030M 7700 Series Half Mask Respirator
  • North 7531N95N95 Filter Assembly. These are the 'holder' for the N95 fabric circular filter medium below.
  • North by Honeywell 7506N95 Particulate Filters.
There was a wildland fire in our part of the state and the air was pretty foul. I was out working quite hard one day (shovel work) and felt no effect from the smoke whatsoever. Couldn't even smell the smoke until I took the mask off. My throat tightened at the first breath outside with the mask off.
Be aware that the mask comes in three sizes (S, M, and L). The masks that we wear for Covid protection reportedly will not protect against the micro particles in smoke. I can add a bit why this sort of mask is desirable. A respirator style mask (one which seals around the nose and mouth and only allow breathing through its filters) rated at N95 filters out more than 95% of particles (PM) larger than 0.3 microns.
Particulates that have a diameter of 2.5 microns or less are called PM2.5. These particles are so small that they can only be viewed under a microscope. This is a good thing, since most of air pollution such as wood burning and wildland fires are caused by particles with a size of 2.5 microns and smaller.
To put things into perspective, a particle 0.3 microns in size is 0.0000118 of an inch (about 1/8,000)!
A human hair is around 60μm (microns) in diameter.
Dust, pollen, mold, etc. around 10μm (microns) in diameter.

If you need better coverage there is also a full-face version. There are also different filter media that are available for hazardous situations. Additionally, I have a beard and this mask seals nicely with with that. I know masks- I was a volunteer firefighter and qualified instrcutor at our fire training facility.
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #24  
Well, this has nothing to do with Kubota. Why don't you just call or email 3M and ask their advice? That's what I did when I needed something to protect me from spraying herbicide. 3M suggested a mask and I bought it from Amazon for twenty bucks or so.
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #26  
I wear a good quality neck gator or one of the tubes type you pull up . I will let it double over my nose and mouth, respirations will mostin the cloth and seems to catch more dust. And like the others have said it is not 100% yet it is comfortable.One other thing I do is I use a Neti Pot flush out my sinuses after mowing when it is dry and dusty. If you have never used one most large pharmacy's and Wal-Mart have the whole kit and it is not expensive great for seasonal allergy sufferers. Yeah there is a small learning curve..lol
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #27  
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #28  
I have started wearing the same 3M 8210 respirators that I've used for 35 years in the shop for sanding and grinding. They have proper straps that hold them tightly (not silly ear loops) and a metal clip that you can form to fit the bridge of your nose. I would not recommend surgical masks or the cloth contraptions that have been so popular among covid cultists.
Another plus for wearing a mask while mowing is that it protects most of my face from sunburn.
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #29  
I use the RZ masks when I need dust protection. The last time I ordered they had a new one with a double strap. That one is much more effective and comfortable. Replaceable filters are good on these too. I guess I've used them for around 25 years.......on my second and third one now. In the summer, they are kinda hot, like most masks are, but worth it to me.
   / face mask for mowing tired of the dust? #30  
Any suggestions on what a good mask is for mowing?

I'm tired of sneezing and tasting dirt after i mow.

I was looking at a brand called RZ mask. If anyone can suggest a RZ mask which one because they have mesh, nylon etc.

For me the dust affects me the day after i mow i wake up sneezing 1,000 times and blowing dust out of my nose.

I do have a Respirator but that seems over kill not to mention hot!
I'm too lazy to read all the other inputs. I suggest 2 things -- use a cheap/non high tech mask only when the dust is really bad. Without being there none of us can know how much you do or don't need it. Secondly I take antihistamine pills before I go out to mow in dusty and high pollen conditions. I find that helps a LOT. Sort of subtle but when you look back on a day's work you begin to see it really does help.

And of course if it is THAT BAD (adversely affecting your life and yet you really must do it) buy a cab tractor.