Evolution of business

   / Evolution of business #1  


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2011
I was talking to a friend of mine who is in the same business I'm in. We talked about how our businesses have had evolved over the last 20 years. And where we think it will be in the next 5-10. It was interesting to me because he recently opened a shop doing now, what I was doing in 1988... ( tinting cars and other automotive add on things ) .. I got out of that end almost 20 years ago..and for the past 20 years he has been in the large commercial market that we are now in... I think TBN has a wide variety of different trades and business owners..just curious how other business have changed and evolved over the years..and what you see coming down the road.
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   / Evolution of business #2  
As AI progresses and becomes integrated it will have a bigger impact than other technologies like the Internet and cell phone applications etc...
   / Evolution of business
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As AI progresses and becomes integrated it will have a bigger impact than other technologies like the Internet and cell phone applications etc...

I agree with the upcoming AI wave ...I wonder how that of if that can effect the service industries. I can see it having big implications in manufacturing and R&D.. Not sure how it can be applied to a labor force.
   / Evolution of business #4  
I was talking to a friend of mine who is in the same business I'm in. We talked about how our businesses have had vole don't over the last 20 years..

Once I figure out what that means .... which may take a while, AI or not .....
   / Evolution of business #5  
I was in the refrigeration business for 38 years with the majority of my income from window unit repairs. When the Asian market took over window unit sales, parts were almost impossible to get and very expensive making repairs more than buying a new A/C.
That business is extinct now.
   / Evolution of business
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...AI...needs to catch up with auto correct