Ethanol on the Ropes?

   / Ethanol on the Ropes? #2  
Like a true politician. Take a stand with wiggle room.
   / Ethanol on the Ropes?
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The fact he said he voted for it to buy votes makes me wonder about his health. With Bush sucking up so much oxgyen why Obama was out of the country maybe Gore is just trying to get a little air time.
   / Ethanol on the Ropes? #4  
The fact he said he voted for it to buy votes makes me wonder about his health. With Bush sucking up so much oxgyen why Obama was out of the country maybe Gore is just trying to get a little air time.

LOL! Something like, I voted for it once before I was against it?
   / Ethanol on the Ropes?
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   / Ethanol on the Ropes? #6  
Unfortunately the mandate is not up for renewal this December. My guess is the GOP will shoot down giving farmers and ethanol refineries money.
   / Ethanol on the Ropes? #8  
This is actually a common sense report from U of IA on ethanol usage to manage corn prices.:thumbsup:

"To manage corn prices"????? That's the problem, we have these insane "environmental " "solutions" to provide economic manipulation of farm markets :confused:

It's nothing but an expensive scam that's raping the country.

I'm afraid that Gore's admission just indicates that he has found a new way to lie and enrich himself.

As to the thread title, I expect that there are too many powerful interests in the corn/ethanol boondoggle for it to be "on the ropes".
   / Ethanol on the Ropes? #9  
I still am not sure what I read was actually said by the man. :thumbsup:

Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said support for corn-based ethanol in the United States was "not a good policy".

"First generation ethanol I think was a mistake. The energy conversion ratios are at best very small".

"One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee, and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president.

A very interesting subject, but one that would be difficult to delve into without crossing into politics. If the OP wants to continue the thread, my guess is it will probably have to move to the Front Porch.
   / Ethanol on the Ropes?
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I do understand the second generation using non food crops would be a better route but now that we know there is enough oil/gas for the next 100 years these hard times may slow down second generation ethanol development.

I thought it was interesting how Henry Ford built his first generation of vehicles to run on ethanol. Sounds like flex fuels is nothing new.:D