Electric snow shovel

   / Electric snow shovel #1  


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2021
Newark Vermont
New Holland TC29D
Does anyone actually own a battery powered snow shovel? My wife wants one for clearing the deck, patio and walkway while I clear driveway and parking area. There is about 500sf in the areas she needs to clear. Portability is a must, 2 sets of stairs to maneuver.
   / Electric snow shovel #2  
I picked up a sno-joe 2 years back for back deck clearing. Works pretty well except that it throws the snow directly in front of you - so if you are moving snow off of more than a 20/30 foot long section you end up moving the snow 2 times, or you will need to adjust your shoveling/blowing pattern to avoid this.

Poor performance on settled snow, but works well on the freshly fallen stuff. I would imagine really wet snow might be a challenge for it.
   / Electric snow shovel
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Thank you. Mind sharing model?
   / Electric snow shovel #4  
Sure - sorry it came out a little blurry!
