Dont take her pocky-book

   / Dont take her pocky-book #21  
The problem with you is you're using common sense.
Perish the thought ... :rolleyes:

I did however see the interview on TV with the woman.
Yeah ... that wasn't one of her finer points of demonstrating her wisdom either, at least the pieces I saw.

Making public statements about the incident - that are recorded for posterity - before you've had the chance to consult a lawyer and obtain advice ?

Really ?

It might FEEL GOOD to be able to say one's piece and have someone listen ... but she's letting her emotions rule the day ... rather than using her head for what it was meant for.

She has absolutely ZERO control on how the final piece that is aired is edited ... and how she will portrayed by the media.

Honestly, it's a walmart parking lot, and she seemed about as trashy as the guy she hit. I say we just make Walmart property it's own "land" and let the people do what they want. I've been to walmart a couple of times. Have you ever really observed people in Walmart? It's actually kind of scary for many reasons.
Yeah ... I don't go to Walmart all that much ... for a variety of reasons, the ones you mention above included.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #22  
I did however see the interview on TV with the woman. Honestly, it's a walmart parking lot, and she seemed about as trashy as the guy she hit. I say we just make Walmart property it's own "land" and let the people do what they want. I've been to walmart a couple of times. Have you ever really observed people in Walmart? It's actually kind of scary for many reasons.

You've been to Walmart a couple of times, and have that ridiculous opinion? I'm probably in a Walmart about 4 days a week, first one and then another of 8 different Walmarts (lots of them and all very popular in this area). I also occasionally visit a couple of Kroger's and even 2 or 3 other grocery stores, as well as a couple of malls. In spite of the humorous people of Walmart videos on the Internet, I see the same kind of people at Walmart as I see at any other place you might shop.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #23  
You've been to Walmart a couple of times, and have that ridiculous opinion? I'm probably in a Walmart about 4 days a week, first one and then another of 8 different Walmarts (lots of them and all very popular in this area). I also occasionally visit a couple of Kroger's and even 2 or 3 other grocery stores, as well as a couple of malls. In spite of the humorous people of Walmart videos on the Internet, I see the same kind of people at Walmart as I see at any other place you might shop.

Yeah, I don't get this Walmart thing. As a person that has visited the local Walmart about 10,000 times and goes about 3 times a week, maybe I am one of ''them"? I dunno. The Walmart is the leading store in our area.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #24  
The problem with you is you're using common sense.

I did however see the interview on TV with the woman. Honestly, it's a walmart parking lot, and she seemed about as trashy as the guy she hit. I say we just make Walmart property it's own "land" and let the people do what they want. I've been to walmart a couple of times. Have you ever really observed people in Walmart? It's actually kind of scary for many reasons.

You see people like that in correctional facilities. They operate at a 12 year old level or lower, along with the poor impulse control. Sure if i found somebody going thru stuff in my rig, i'd think about running them over, but then those mental resources that have matured after reaching my 10th birthday, kick in.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #25  
I think the laws should be changed. They would not let me sit on that jury.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #26  
Never thought of that scenario, that is a good court argument right there, and if I was on any jury for someone defending their property, NOT GUILTY. Good reason right there to chase a thief down with deadly force, I'd almost bet that once a someone gets away with taking a purse, house/garage burglary cant be far behind, then what's he going to take next, when will a thief stop stealing.

LOcal case on the same line. Guy sees another guy abusing a woman, interfers, gets hit in the face with something (I forget what), Abuser and woman start to walk away, Good samaritan draws and shoots perp in the BACK going away, kills him (good). Court argument was that it was a case of self defense for a thrid party. He was afraid the perp would badly hurt the women. Jury bought it.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #27  
Yeah, I don't get this Walmart thing. As a person that has visited the local Walmart about 10,000 times and goes about 3 times a week, maybe I am one of ''them"? I dunno. The Walmart is the leading store in our area.
I strongly agree with you and Bird. All the Walmart bashing is ridiculous. I shop there and everyone I know shops at Walmart as well as other stores, some of which are high end stores. ;)
   / Dont take her pocky-book #28  
You see people like that in correctional facilities. They operate at a 12 year old level or lower, along with the poor impulse control. Sure if i found somebody going thru stuff in my rig, i'd think about running them over, but then those mental resources that have matured after reaching my 10th birthday, kick in.

Thank you.

Added the fact that people don't THINK what their actions may cause. Lady hops in her car to chase thief and the odds are nothing good will come of it.
   / Dont take her pocky-book #29  
Yeah, I don't get this Walmart thing. As a person that has visited the local Walmart about 10,000 times and goes about 3 times a week, maybe I am one of ''them"? I dunno. The Walmart is the leading store in our area.

If you walk into a Walmart and can't find a weirdo, guess what, you are probably the weirdo. I am in TN and see plenty of them, but never to the extent you see on some videos.