Dog pics

   / Dog pics #1,021  
Thanks, kw! I would have thought most tapeworms were species specific. I wonder how many I have engested playing in the dirt through the years? Scary thought!
   / Dog pics #1,022  
Indeed it is. We're kissers and prod Chewy to lick us on the mouth. I think about the transfer of her mange too, since it's primarily around her mouth, lips and eyes. I guess if our immune system were low also we could contract it. Oh well, the expression of love, imho, is much more important!
But I'd still spit any fleas, or who knows what else :yuck:, out!!!
   / Dog pics #1,023  
This is Winston Allister. He is a two year old Soft Coat Wheaten Terrier. He loves car rides, naps, dog treats, running 80 miles per hour, and diving through snow banks. A very high action gentle associate who makes friends with everyone he meets.
   / Dog pics #1,024  
View attachment 345058
This is Winston Allister. He is a two year old Soft Coat Wheaten Terrier. He loves car rides, naps, dog treats, running 80 miles per hour, and diving through snow banks. A very high action gentle associate who makes friends with everyone he meets.
   / Dog pics #1,026  
Agent Blue;3530167 This is Winston Allister. He is a two year old Soft Coat Wheaten Terrier. He loves car rides said:
Cute. Looks seriously spoiled, as he should be.
   / Dog pics #1,027  
NOT spoiled........ Over loved ! He is a great companion.
   / Dog pics #1,028  
DSC00469.JPGMaggie (2).jpg

Ginger and her sister Maggie. Precious and beloved creations.
   / Dog pics #1,029  
My dogs aren't spoiled, I'm just well trained! :D
   / Dog pics #1,030  
My dogs aren't spoiled, I'm just well trained! :D

OK, sure. This is my... ah, err "well-trained" dog*.


*We have to whisper that word because she doesn't know she is one.