No kidding, and I spend a LOT of money there. Which is the whole point of supporting one person, getting a good deal and getting support.
Bought the tractor saturday, worked a job on sunday, fuse blew when using the cruise control. Got it home, replaced teh fuse, drove around, didn't happen again, but noticed some other stuff.
Went to work with it on wednesday, cruise control fuse blew in the first 200 feet. (Ok, obviously a dead short) and it slowly overheats (yes, radiator is full). I call dealership from the job (cell) and tell teh guy what's wrong. He says I can't have anyone out to look at it, I say, it's fine, I can bring it in. (figuring it's much easier for them if I bring it in)
He says, 10am tomorrow
The wife brings it in at 10am Thursday, says we have a job with it Friday, need it back. Needs the electrical problem fixed, needs the overheating fixed, needs adjustment to get it in adn out of 4wd and the 3point raise needs adjustment (it has two speeds, slam it down, and slam it down hard). I call back at 4pm, because I need to go get it. He says " i haven't even written teh work order"
What the heck? I brought it in when you told me to bring it in. You assembled it (which is really starting to worry me) and it has a grand total of 3 (yes, three) hours on it. GO FIX IT.
AT 9am today, the owner is getting called. I'm beyond livid. I had to look like an idiot and mvoe the job today, and I'm not sure what I can book.
I have an appointment next week for the TN's 50 hour service, guess where it's NOT going? I'd rather truck it 60+ miles to the other dealer.