Do fires extinguishers need to be shaken to prevent settling?

   / Do fires extinguishers need to be shaken to prevent settling? #61  
I am not an expert. But I can't see how shaking an extinguisher would hurt it. And I have been told that it would help. So about once every year or two I turn mine over, bang on the bottom with a wooden hammer handle, and hang them back up.

   / Do fires extinguishers need to be shaken to prevent settling?
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Do fire extinguishers have a useful life in that they should be replaced at that number of years in service? When do we just toss them out?
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   / Do fires extinguishers need to be shaken to prevent settling? #63  
Do fire extinguishers have a useful life in that they should be replaced at that number of years in service? When do we just toss them out?
My recollection is that in commercial use they have an expiration date no matter how well they've been maintained. I do know that every year or two our fire safety company says "This, that and the other one need to be replaced".

My guess is that there's a possibility of hidden damage (rust comes to mind).
   / Do fires extinguishers need to be shaken to prevent settling? #64  
^^^ I bought five 10 pounders because they timed out like that.
The local fire extinguisher service checks them out, recharges them and sells them.