I was talking to my Kioti dealer a couple of weeks ago and commented about how many tractors they had on the lot and still boxed (they had more than I have seen there in the last couple of years) and he said that with demand up and all of the shipping problems going on they have to order pretty much everything a year in advance to ensure they get stock. This has hurt a lot of the small dealers who used to be able to get something in a couple of weeks so they never stocked much. He also commented that the $26,000 to get a container from Korea has really hurt the supply of larger cab tractors like the RX and PX lines because you can only get two or three in a box and nobody wants to commit to the high "postage" price when they "should" go down later and possibly get stuck with inventory that has a much higher basis cost than later ones coming out. Between all of the corporate greed in the shipping companies, oil companies, and the like (look up the profits being earned now by these pretty much monopolies) they are going to kill the goose that everyone used to benefit from.