Cutting power use to the bone.

   / Cutting power use to the bone. #81  
Power is a zero sum game.

There is no free lunch to power. Even green power is dependent upon fossil fuels for the transportation and manufacturing of it. Most people don't understand the shell game at play. They just focus on the shell right in front of them.

Nuclear is the only power source that can be very efficient at scale. It's also the cleanest. If people dismiss Nuclear in their talking of green's a tell they are an idiot.
   / Cutting power use to the bone. #83  
Power is a zero sum game.

There is no free lunch to power. Even green power is dependent upon fossil fuels for the transportation and manufacturing of it. Most people don't understand the shell game at play. They just focus on the shell right in front of them.

Nuclear is the only power source that can be very efficient at scale. It's also the cleanest. If people dismiss Nuclear in their talking of green's a tell they are an idiot.
I like your thinking, we can't leave Nuclear out of the "green energy" sources.

Idiots are all around us! I've even been one a time or two, or maybe more.