CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace

   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #1  


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2011
SW Michigan
John Deere 2320
In the past, I've bought and sold things through CraigsList with only minor scammer annoyance. I've noticed a lot of people seem to be using FB now. I decided to sell a drywall lift I didn't need and posted it on both CL and FB Marketplace. On FB I got about 6 of the usual "Is it available?" responses that are always scams. However, I got 5 real replies in the first 3 hours ready to buy. I sold it to the first guy to show up about 4 hours after I listed it. I got no replies, not even scams on CL. It looks like FB may be taking over. I wonder if it's just my area or if others are seeing this?
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #2  
I've had the same experience. FB seems to get much better action (as a seller) than CL now. I'm rural now (FB), was in Chicago (CL). When buying, I still look at both.
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #3  
I've been a CL buyer and seller for many years. Lately I'm looking at FB also.
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #4  
Yeah, CL is pretty dead. But I hate marketplace, don’t show me what you think I want to see just show me what I freaking put in the search bar! And while you’re at it show me in the area I asked you to search, the snowblower in Alaska does me no good!
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #5  
I’m pretty much 100% FB as I find in my rural part of Vermont CL just doesn’t have the coverage where FB is more locally oriented. There’s always scammers, you just have to be alert.
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #6  
I also used to do Craigslist to buy and sell things but like others have said facebook marketplace seems to get better results and also more scammers
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #7  
FB seems to be more active than CL so far as equipment listings in my area of middle Tennessee.
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #8  
I think it depends on the area, when I was living in SFBA the CL was the thing and i never heard of FBMP, i even did not have FB account but when i moved to KY, no one heard of CL, everything is FBMP.
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #9  
One nice thing about area listings on FB is you may share a mutual friend which lets me know they likely aren't a scammer. More and more people are hiding their friends list so it's not like it was a few years ago.
   / CraigsList vs. Facebook Marketplace #10  
At least on FB you can investigate the person a little if you choose depending on if they are the buyer or seller. CL not so much. That said...I still use both.