could be others too

   / could be others too #1  


Gold Member
Apr 16, 2000
Akaroa South Island ,New Zealand (about 1/2 way do
8350 valmet with 980SL FEL duels had a 150 Hp deutz just sold it 10 NOV 01
Israel’s military intelligence service, Aman, suspects that Iraq is the
state that sponsored the suicide attacks on the New York Trade Center and
the Pentagon in Washington. Directing the mission, Aman officers believe,
were two of the world’s foremost terrorist masterminds: the Lebanese Imad
Mughniyeh, head of the special overseas operations for Hizbullah, and the
Egyptian Dr Ayman Al Zawahiri, senior member of Al-Qaeda and possible
successor of the ailing ***** Bin Laden.

The two men have not been seen for some time. Mughniyeh is probably the
world’s most wanted outlaw. Unconfirmed reports in Beirut say he has
undergone plastic surgery and is unrecognisable. Zawahiri is thought to be
based in Egypt. He could be Bin Laden’s chief representative outside

The Iraqis, who for several years paid smaller groups to do their dirty
work, were quick to discover the advantages of Al-Qaeda. The Israeli sources
claim that for the past two years Iraqi intelligence officers were shuttling
between Baghdad and Afghanistan, meeting with Ayman Al Zawahiri. According
to the sources, one of the Iraqi intelligence officers, Salah Suleiman, was
captured last October by the Pakistanis near the border with Afghanistan.
The Iraqis are also reported to have established strong ties with Imad

"We’ve only got scraps of information, not the full picture," admits one
intelligence source, "but it was good enough for us to send a warning six
weeks ago to our allies that an unprecedented massive terror attack was
expected. One of our indications suggested that Imad Mughniyeh met with some
of his dormant agents on secret trips to Germany. We believe that the
operational brains behind the New-York attack were Mughniyeh and Zawahiri,
who were probably financed and got some logistical support from the Iraqi
Intelligence Service (SSO)."

Mughniyeh was the only one believed to have tried it before. On April 12th
1997, he was reported to be only two hours away from achieving the highest
goal of any terrorist organisation (until last week): blowing up an Israeli
El-Al airliner above Tel Aviv. A man carrying a forged British passport with
the name Andrew Jonathan Neumann was in a Jerusalem hotel preparing a bomb
he was supposed to take on board an El-Al flight leaving Israel, when it
accidentally went off. Andrew Jonathan Neumann was very badly injured but
strong enough to reveal later to the Israelis that he was not British but
Lebanese, and that his operation was supposed to be a special "gift" to
Israel from Imad Mughniyeh.

‘A psychopath’

"Bin Laden is a schoolboy in comparison with Mughniyeh," says an Israeli who
knows Mughniyeh . "The guy is a genius, someone who refined the art of
terrorism to its utmost level. We studied him and reached the conclusion
that he is a clinical psychopath motivated by uncontrollable psychological
reasons, which we have given up trying to understand. The killing of his two
brothers by the Americans only inflamed his strong motivation."

Experts on Iraq and ****** Hussein also believe that Iraq was the state
behind the two terror masterminds. "In recent months, there was a change,
and Iraq decided to get into the terror business. On July 7th, they tried
for the first time to send a suicide bomber, trained in Baghdad, to blow up
Tel Aviv airport (Foreign Report No. 2651)."

Our sources believe that it will be very difficult to get to the bottom of
this unprecedented terror operation. However, they believe the chief of the
Iraqi SSO is Qusai Hussein, the dictator’s son, and his organisation is the
most likely to have been involved.

Mughniyeh, 48, is a "sick man", says an intelligence officer who was in
charge of his file. He is considered by Western intelligence agencies as the
most dangerous active terrorist today. He is wanted by several governments
and the Americans have put a $2m reward on his head.

[See below for a Report on Mughniyeh and a detailed list of Mughniyeh

It was the assassination of one man in March 1984 that is said to have made
Mughniyeh the CIA’s most wanted terrorist. Mughniyeh allegedly kidnapped the
head of the CIA station in Beirut, William Buckley. The kidnapping triggered
what later became known as ‘Irangate’, when the Americans tried to exchange
Buckley (and others) with arms for Iran. However, the attempt ended in a
fiasco. By one unconfirmed account, Mughniyeh tortured and killed Buckley
with his own hands.

A year later, in a combined CIA/Mossad operation, a powerful car bomb went
off at the entrance to the house of Hizbullah’s spiritual leader, Sheikh
Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah. Seventy-five people were killed. One of them was
his brother. Hunted by the CIA and the Mossad, Mughniyeh hid in Iran.

In February 1992, Israeli helicopter gunships attacked the convoy of the
then head of Hizbullah, Sheikh Abas Musawi, in South Lebanon. Musawi, his
wife and children were killed and the revenge attack followed a month later.
According to press reports, Mughniyeh was called back into action and, in a
well-planned and devastating attack, his people blew up the Israeli embassy
in Argentina. The building was demolished and 92 were killed. Only last
year, after a long investigation, did Argentina issue a warrant for
Mughniyeh’s arrest.

The reprisal for the attack in Argentina came in December 1994, when a car
bomb went off in a southern Shi’ite suburb of Beirut. Four people were
killed. One of them was called Mughniyeh, but to the deep disappointment of
those Israelis who planted the bomb it was the wrong one. Mughniyeh’s life
was saved, but his other brother Fuad was killed. Mughniyeh waited for his
opportunity for revenge.

Our Israeli sources claim to see Mughniyeh’s signature on the wreckage in
New York and Washington. How to counter this kind of terrorism? "To fight
these bastards you don’t need a military attack," said an experienced
Israeli commando officer. "You only need to adopt Israel’s assassination

From a report dated 14/12/2000

ACCORDING to an unconfirmed report by Israeli military sources, Imad
Mughniyeh, a master-terrorist also known as the "Lebanese Carlos", visited
France and Germany last month to meet with his agents, who have been
inactive, awaiting orders (such agents are known in the West as sleepers).
He is said to have provided them with a plan to hit prime Jewish and Israeli
targets in Europe and the financial resources to carry out such attacks,
according to these sources.

During his one-week tour, Mughniyeh met with Lebanese allies in Germany and
France. This group of old supporters forms the core of his European network.
Some of them belong to his own South Lebanese clan, others come from the
eastern Beka'a Valley.

Some but by no means all of these family friends/activists are making their
living in Europe from trafficking in Lebanese drugs and shipping stolen
Mercedes cars to Lebanon. Some of Mughniyeh's people were arrested in the
past, mainly by German authorities after they were tipped off by the Israeli
Mossad. But some have returned in recent years and are now preparing the
return home of their boss.

A believer in a big bang
Mughniyeh thinks big. His kind of expertise is most effective when used in
high-profile bomb blasts like the one in Buenos Aires and the one about to
explode any minute now (if Israeli intelligence is right). Argentina's
Supreme Court formally accused Hizbullah and Islamic Jihad of being
responsible for the Buenos Aires bomb and issued an arrest warrant for

According to the unconfirmed Israeli report, Mughniyeh, 48, is considered by
western intelligence agencies as the most dangerous active terrorist.
Indeed, even if he was involved in half of the terrorism incidents which the
Israelis claim, his record is still a formidable one. Some of the incidents
in Mughniyeh's life, according to the Israeli defence expert:
1983: Suicide bombing at American Embassy, Beirut. At least 63 killed.
Bombing of US Marine and French paratroop barracks, Beirut. More than 300
killed. Bombing, with the Iranian-backed, anti-Iraqi ad-Dawa Islami (Islamic
Call), of US and French Embassies and other targets in Kuwait, killing five
1984: Bombing of US Embassy Annexe, Beirut. Fourteen killed, at least 30
wounded. Seventeen men, including Mughniyeh's brother-in-law and cousin,
arrested and convicted. A wave of terrorist attacks followed. Hijack of
Kuwait Airways airliner. Kidnap of chief of CIA office in Beirut.
1985: Unsuccessful attempt to kill the amir of Kuwait. Hijack of TWA
airliner. Bomb blast supposedly arranged by Mossad and CIA kills Mughniyeh's
1988: Kuwait Airways airliner hijacked.
1992: Israeli embassy in Argentina blown up, killing 92 people.
1994: Mughniyeh's second brother, Fuad, killed in bomb blast as revenge for
Buenos Aires explosion. Bomb intended to be taken aboard El Al airliner
detonated prematurely.
2000: Kidnap of three Israeli soldiers.
As the Palestinian uprising entered its second month, Israeli and European
security services are waiting for a bomb attack in Europe. "We've received
all the indications that Mughniyeh's apparatus is planning a devastating hit
in Europe," says an Israeli officer who has followed Mughniyeh for years. As
a result the Israelis, in co-operation with European security services, have
increased security around synagogues, embassies, schools and other Jewish
targets in Europe.

Meanwhile, other unconfirmed reports are circulating in Tel Aviv. One is an
Israeli claim that Iraq is training young Palestinians to be combatants in
the uprising on the West Bank against Israel and offering money for
"martyrs". Some 2,000 Iraqi volunteers are ready to join them. The man in
charge, President ****** Hussein's son Qusai, wants to receive Palestinian
intelligence in return for aid, or so it is said. Another well placed source
said the story was "plausible" but could not be proved.

A third report that worries the Israelis is over the release of convicts
from Palestinian jails. They have been convicted of murder, rape, grievous
bodily harm and other serious offences yet some have been given weapons and
all of them have been told to join the intifada.
sorry it was long but worth the read tho
take care
JD Kid
   / could be others too #2  
Worth the read indeed! I agree Iraq could well be involved. Certainly Mughniyeh is one of those who must be brought to justice. But, and at the risk of drawing some flack, I'm a little suspecious of Israel, and their motives. therefore I'm more than a little suspecious of their information.
