Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property

   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #61  
I don't get it either but it happened a lot, even into the 70s. Maybe attitudes held over from the depression that there might be something on it that might come in handy someday.
Attitudes are different. When I worked on a harvesting crew out west was having a conversation with co-worker about dad having to get some parts from dealer and he asked me "why don't you just take off your old equipment". I just looked at him no idea what he meant. Come to find out on his farm they kept old equipment creating their own junkyard where we traded in when new piece was purchased. This conversation happened in '98

I'm sure as a kid it would be fun to have all that old stuff rusting away but now I am glad it isn't something I have to look at.
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #62  
Attitudes are different. When I worked on a harvesting crew out west was having a conversation with co-worker about dad having to get some parts from dealer and he asked me "why don't you just take off your old equipment". I just looked at him no idea what he meant. Come to find out on his farm they kept old equipment creating their own junkyard where we traded in when new piece was purchased.
I suppose that would be a good idea if (1) the parts were interchangeable and (2) the part you need isn't broken on the old one too. When I was single I sometimes kept an old vehicle as a parts car if its replacement was a similar model, something that the family aesthetics officer would frown upon today. :ROFLMAO:

I'm sure there are many of us here who keep a lot of old, broken stuff around "just in case", or as Moss noted "gonna fix it up someday".
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #63  
After I left home to seek my fortune I would come back here for visits & holidays. Things were a’ changing over time.

“Dad, what happened to the old farmhouse? Uh, there was a fire.”
”Dad, what happened to the big barn? Uh, there was another fire.”

Each time I would ask what happened to the treasures (junk) that were inside them? No reply. Finally years later I asked again, he just pointed out a couple of areas NOT be digging or drilling wells. I vowed never to bury junk out here again.
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #64  
a Mummy. one leg was not attached, but close by. not sure how it died, but it was a while ago. in an old shed on a property we moved to 6 months ago.


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   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #65  
Carrying a camera is a sure-fire way to never see anything interesting.
Leaving it at home is a sure-fire way to see something unique which you will never see again.
Yup..... Prom night, was coming home. Passed a moose hanging out o the playground at the elementary school.

Didn't say squat about it since I didn't have a camera to prove it.

A few weeks later I was with dad and someone mentioned seeing that moose. So I pipe up, and said yup, had a decent rack and about this size

Dad asked why I didn't mention it when I saw it?

I pointed out that it was peom night and I was driving my stepmother car.

He said "oh yeah!!! We would have accused you of drinking!!!!"
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #66  
Yup..... Prom night, was coming home. Passed a moose hanging out o the playground at the elementary school.

Didn't say squat about it since I didn't have a camera to prove it.

A few weeks later I was with dad and someone mentioned seeing that moose. So I pipe up, and said yup, had a decent rack and about this size

Dad asked why I didn't mention it when I saw it?

I pointed out that it was peom night and I was driving my stepmother car.

He said "oh yeah!!! We would have accused you of drinking!!!!"
‘A decent rack’. Sure you were referring to the moose or your prom date?

Sorry, couldn’t resist. ;)
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #67  
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property
  • Thread Starter
a Mummy. one leg was not attached, but close by. not sure how it died, but it was a while ago. in an old shed on a property we moved to 6 months ago.
Ok, that's a tad creepy looking.
(The mummy, not the prom date)
(the dog mummy, not the step mummy)
(ok, not the dog ---- oh never mind! Sorry if I insulted anyone :) )

Nature doing what it does though I guess.
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #69  
51 years ago a friend and I were hiking through the woods and came upon an old shack. It was falling down and was surely ready to collapse at the slightest bit of wind. Being typical young and careless boys we entered the shack. We had to duck because the walls had tilted sideways so much the roof was only about 5 feet tall. All that kept the thing from collapsing all the way were the blackberry vines that encompassed it. There wasn't much in it. But we found two treasures. A 270 rifle and a desk fan. The fan was old even 51 years ago but was in good shape. It was the oscillating type. It was only in good shape because it had fallen off a shelf into soft earth and vines. The rifle was also in good shape. It was wrapped in oily rags and was also in amongst the vines. I kept the fan. My friend kept the rifle. He ended up trading it for a gold watch case. The guy who he traded it to cut the barrel short and held up a bank. He was only 16 or 17. He never even made it out of the bank. He did not ever say where he got the rifle so my friend lucked out. I still have the fan. It still works well.
   / Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property #70  
Before we bought the land we now own, I was walking around the place, and out of the corner of my eye, saw what I thought was a body laying in the woods. :eek: Turned out to be a large balloon from a business in a nearby town that had a bunch of very large helium filled, heavy duty balloons, floating around the front of the business. The balloon "escaped" but what was odd, was that the prevailing winds are normally in the opposite direction to our place. The balloon just happened to get loose when the wind was blowing in our direction.

There is a church near us and we find balloons from parties from time to time. Usually it is just one of the mylar balloons that sometimes the get hung up in trees, :eek: and sometimes we will see them flying away to land somewhere else. The other evening, I took the dog outside, he froze on the porch, focused on something, his hair went up and he start barking. :eek: There was a cluster of balloons sitting right next to the path to the side of the porch. I called it Balloon Man. Balloon Man scared the scat out of the dog, and now, weeks later, he cautiously exits the door to the porch, carefully sniffs and looks around before going out the door. :unsure::ROFLMAO: What a woose.

Another find was the remains of a still. There is a wet area on our place, that was likely a decent stream before a road was built on the place and cut off water flow, and down in that low area, was a bit of a spring. Next to the spring was a built up place for a still and they moon shiners had etched out a itty, bitty channel for run off. There was the top of an old kerosene can and the top of an old clay jug. If you watch Andy Griffith, and see an episode with The Darlings, the jug they show is what the jug looks like. After we closed on the land, I went and got the top of the clay jug. :eek:

Next to the still site, in the stream bed, was an old horse shoe. Figured the shoe was from a horse, or more likely a mule, that was carrying stuff to and from the still. Just left the shoe where it was for someone else to find one day.....

One day was about 10 years later when the kids found the shoe and brought it back to the house. :ROFLMAO: I need to take that shoe and put it back where they found it. The shoe is in pretty bad shape though. Not sure what to do with it.
