
   / Confused! #1  


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2011
Great NorthWest /Southwest Washington
Kubota l245dt, l3540, 8N
I do not know if I am in the right spot to ask this or not! :confused:

How do I set up my own album so I can post my projects to it and all so how do you post more than one picture at a time? :)

Tried it today with no luck, looked for instruction and was not able to find any.

Thanks for the help and/or tell me where I should be asking these questions.:D
   / Confused! #2  
Don't think you can upload an "album" per say but if you want to post photo's in a thread you just need to go to "go advanced" below the message box then up to the paperclip, from there choose file (S). After you have selected the files you want to share remember to hit upload and they will post. To be sure, just preview your post which again will be located below the message the box.
Was this what you were looking for or did I misunderstand your question.
   / Confused!
  • Thread Starter
I know how to attach pictures to threads.

But when you are logged on and you click on "My Photos" it takes you to a page that will show you the photos you have loaded there. And allow you to load more and during this time it looks like you should be able to load multiple pictures instead of one at a time but I was unable to do that, :confused:
   / Confused! #4  
I know how to attach pictures to threads.

But when you are logged on and you click on "My Photos" it takes you to a page that will show you the photos you have loaded there. And allow you to load more and during this time it looks like you should be able to load multiple pictures instead of one at a time but I was unable to do that, :confused:

Good, I was thinking you must know that coming from this area :)
Never noticed the "my photo" before but took a look at it and the only thing I could come up with was to create a file with the group of photo's you want to post in it... and do a single of the file. Not sure how it'll work though. don't really have anything interesting to post myself. Just boring work stuff that even I hate looking at :)
Just guessing though but worth a shot, otherwise it does look like one at a time and that would be tedious to say the least.