Concrete project: will this work?

   / Concrete project: will this work?
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And it's done!





Actually, I still need to pull the pad forms (I'll wait until the ground isn't so soggy and muddy) and dress the pad edges a bit plus clean the pad off.

I'll let that sit today and tomorrow (it's in the low to mid '40's today), cut the piece of carpet tomorrow (using the tabletop form as a guide), then it's time to do some shooting!

Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it!!!

[insert beer icon here]
   / Concrete project: will this work? #72  
It looks great to me. So how will you get the deer to walk onto your range? :D
   / Concrete project: will this work? #73  
Very nice
   / Concrete project: will this work? #74  
Well done, looks very good.
   / Concrete project: will this work?
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It looks great to me. So how will you get the deer to walk onto your range? :D

Shouldn't be a problem: there's a pretty nice deer scrape right up on my pole barn field which is in the background above the range backstop. There's also one on the trail/track above and to right of the backstop area. Deer are pretty much like rats around here.

Thanks for all the good words, I appreciate it!

   / Concrete project: will this work?
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It looks great to me. So how will you get the deer to walk onto your range? :D

And funny you should mention that:

This evening just at dusk, I was in my pole barn sniper's hide (an elevated platform in one corner of the barn) and I saw four deer walk down the track/trail going towards my shop/shooting bench. Since it was right at dusk, plus I couldn't see if they were does or not (probably were but that's all I want to shoot) plus the fact that Butter was sitting in my lap and I didn't want to disturb her.

If you take a look at the last pic above, my pole barn is about 175 yards or so just behind the corner of my shop just up and beyond the poplar grove you see in that pic.

And of course, just as I got down, I jumped another one right at my gate! Scared the crap out of Butter, she had no idea what that critter was!!!!