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   / Close call #11  
If you can get past the business end, they're not near as ugly as Oppossums and Armadillos. Somebody told me not too long ago that they'll dig out yellow jacket nests and eat them like candy. I've found a few holes dug open in the ground with no apparent other reason, so who knows.
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I have no problem with them, except when they are around my dog.
   / Close call #13  
I had the same thing happen before light last Sunday morning...except is was me about to step off the porch...fortunately, the skunk took off...but I walked the dog on a leash, which we don't usually need to do, in case the skunk was hiding in the forsythia and lilac across the driveway.
   / Close call #14  
One time we were camping in a public campground. Luckily the kids and the dogs were in the camper sleeping. The wife and I were enjoying the last minutes of the fire. We had let it burn way down, just before drowning it. And here comes a skunk through our camp site. We just stayed very quietly in our chairs as he walked under them and on his way. We were very lucky. Jon
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I had a similar experience camping with the church youth group years ago, except the animal was a porcupine.
First one of the other guys woke me up to chase it off because it was chewing on the side of the leanto we were staying in; but the next morning I found quills in the outside of my sleeping bag, where it apparently brushed against it while walking between us as we were sleeping.
   / Close call #18  
My minipin, now deceased, had to experience the business end of a skunk 3x in about 2 weeks before she finally learned that she had to leave the black and white striped cat alone....... Open the door to let her out for a run, when she came back and I opened the door, it felt like someone slapped me in the face.... No wonder she had tears in her eyes..... Washed her with dishsoap and it definitely took the edge off but each time she would get a bit damp you would smell it again. I think repeated showers over those 2 weeks was the main punishment, she hated being wet.....

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I've been lucky, I had my last dog for 14 years and this one since 2012,yet have never cleaned up after a skunk; also have only pulled 3 or 4 porcupine quills in all of that time.
   / Close call #20  
This was posted awhile ago. My wife and I printed it out and keep it under the sink, with the listed ingredients. It hasn't happened yet, but we want to be ready for the day that it does happen.

I've had good results with that formula. It also makes the white spots on the dogs gleam like a Tide commercial.

My dogs are hound mixes, they chase things, when they were younger they got into it a few times with skunks. You'd think they'd have learned, but no. One time they killed a skunk, but the skunk got both of them good before shuffling off. I buried the skunk and cleaned them up. The next day I could smell the skunk again, real powerful. They had found where I buried him and dug him up and were playing with the body. Another bath, another burial, and this time the gravesite was covered with rocks.