Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way?

   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
The Best way to clean the glasses (Simple Life Secret) - YouTube

How long has eyeglasses been around, and still there's only one good way to clean them that works everytime, dish soap and running water. I dont have running water in my garage so I rely my shirt tails, rags, sprays, this that and the other thing, till it come's to point where I have to walk back in the house, track some mud in, wife hollers at me, grab the Dawn dish soap, rub a dub dub, then run the water over my, by-polymer prescription safety glasses, wipe with tissue or microfiber cloth, and wah-la, clean eyeglasses, go back out in the garage and try to remember what I was how do you clean your eyeglasses?
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #2  
I didn't want to waste time watching some one tell me how to wash my glasses so I didn't watch the video.
I've used the Dawn approach, the spit and scrape, the microfiber.
My present method is to take a couple of cleaning wipes (like the clorox wipes in a yellow tube) put them in a ziploc bag and carry them with me.
After a quick swipe with a wet wipe I dry them with a kleenex or my hanky.

When the wipes dry out (usually a week or so) I get two more.

You should get running water in your garage.
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #3  
We use ultra soft lens wipes from Walmart, their house brand (Equate) usually the wife does hers and hands it to me so we get 2 wipes per sheet. sometimes we find them at the dollar store, they smell like they are wet with alcohol, the rubbing kind, so I don't chew them when I'm done. They don't cost that much, can't remember how much but if it were a lot we wouldn't get them
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #4  
I didn't want to waste time watching some one tell me how to wash my glasses so I didn't watch the video.

LOL!!! :D And yea, dish soap under the sink. Then dry with a decent quality paper or shop towel.
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #5  
I didn't want to waste time watching some one tell me how to wash my glasses so I didn't watch the video.

I DID waste the three and a half minutes to watch the video. Nothing new there. I've cleaned my glasses as he showed, but now I do as Johnny g said. I use the wipes from Walmart or Sam's Club. They're relatively cheap so we keep a few in both vehicles and I have the box sitting right here beside me at the computer, since I use the same wipes on the computer screens.
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #6  
Clean eyeglasses?

I think you guys should just man up and get some work done!

Spit and a shirt tale works well enough for me! :drink:
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #7  
I DID waste the three and a half minutes to watch the video. Nothing new there. I've cleaned my glasses as he showed, but now I do as Johnny g said. I use the wipes from Walmart or Sam's Club. They're relatively cheap so we keep a few in both vehicles and I have the box sitting right here beside me at the computer, since I use the same wipes on the computer screens.
I tried that, but I found I often needed a wipe and there was none around. I also found it wasteful to pull out a wipe, use it once, then toss it. So now I've got little ziploc baggies of 2 or 3 wipes scattered around. It's like my HF tape measures, flashlights and screwdrivers. Rarely do I have to walk very far to pick one up because i have them scattered all over.
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #8  
I use a spray of a mix to spray. I use the 70% alcohol mixed at 70% water and 30% water. Got the tip from an optometrist department. Then to dry I use the oldest handkerchief I have and stashed in the medicine cabinet. That is because it is soft.

When I am not near the house I use water and a paper shop rag that comes in boxes. If that isn't handy I use my shirt tails, arm sleeves or almost anything laying around, but judiciously.

I saw a friend wipe his glasses with water and a new kleenex from the box and when he was done there were circles ground into the glass from a piece of grit from the kleenex.
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #9  
I use windshield washer fluid and a blue shop towel.
   / Cleaning eyeglasses, why is there only one good way? #10  
Can depend on the quality of your glasses and whether they are coated. The idea is not to rub them with anything that is harder than the lens. Some fibers in paper towels or cloth are too abrasive. That's when you get little scratch circles and your clarity in what you see goes downhill. Can't go wrong with dish detergent and water or specially designed lens paper or cloth.