Christmas tree pruning

   / Christmas tree pruning #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
I have a half dozen Christmas trees (Balsam Fir) side my driveway I'd like to prune and shape, but not sure how or when to start, and I don't want to spend all day doing it. So I go on youtube and learn that 6, 5' trees shouldn't take me all that long, but the when to start is a little blurry, thinking March is a good time start shaping up.
Trimming Christmas Trees Shawn Powers and Greg Powers - YouTube
   / Christmas tree pruning #2  
I have a half dozen Christmas trees (Balsam Fir) side my driveway I'd like to prune and shape, but not sure how or when to start, and I don't want to spend all day doing it. So I go on youtube and learn that 6, 5' trees shouldn't take me all that long, but the when to start is a little blurry, thinking March is a good time start shaping up.
Trimming Christmas Trees Shawn Powers and Greg Powers - YouTube
I did that for a few weeks just to learn how to do it; they started the crew up in May, and worked all summer. My friend Marc has a farm just down the road from you in Athens, and he used to wait until fall so that he could use the tips to make wreaths. My grandfather used to say that the best time was when you had your pruners in your hand.
   / Christmas tree pruning #3  
Tell me the OP’s real name is Kenny Powers! (HBO reference)
   / Christmas tree pruning
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I did that for a few weeks just to learn how to do it; they started the crew up in May, and worked all summer. My friend Marc has a farm just down the road from you in Athens, and he used to wait until fall so that he could use the tips to make wreaths. My grandfather used to say that the best time was when you had your pruners in your hand.

And I use to think May was the wrong time to prune trees because that's when trees are growing. Do you know how far down the top of the Christmas tree to cut the top of? The tops on my trees are 10-12" long which puts them at 6'+ or so.

And to think these 6 trees wasn't even 12" when me and my son planted them, dug them up in the woods in the last week of April in 07, the following week he joined the 133rd National Guard and went to Fort Leonard Wood Mo. The first three years seemed like they did nothing, but in the last 4 years they made up for lost time.