Can I move my machine like this?

   / Can I move my machine like this? #2  
You can I would pull the out riggers up a bit and use the hoe to push or pull the tractor...:2cents:
   / Can I move my machine like this? #3  
Yep. Done that, do that often to realign or move. Seen good operators do incredible things going down and up of a basement seats to dig footers, crossing ditches, crossing concrete forms without touching. Been in mud so deep used front and back buckets to walk out. Farm tractor backhoes aren’t as powerful. The tlb are.
My dad had the Ford 4500 backhoe stuck in the pond up over the axles once. Able to raise up several feet to push, curl and inch itself out.
   / Can I move my machine like this? #4  
It must be a pretty safe practice. The contractor that installed my septic system moved his backhoe in that manner. I've seen literally dozens of other contractors do this also.
   / Can I move my machine like this? #5  
Same with a loader. I've gotten machines unstuck using just the loader.

When I operate a hoe, I do the same thing, I use my bucket for inching and whatnot. Just more efficient.
   / Can I move my machine like this? #6  
   / Can I move my machine like this?
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Coolness!!!!! Just total coolness!!! I figured I would get a resounding "heck ya" :) I could see someone with a lot of talent could cross a footer by proper placement of the BH, etc. Being I come from a skid steer background, that level of coolness just did not exist.
   / Can I move my machine like this? #9  
I use this maneuver frequently with the BH92 on my MX5800. It's a little tougher to do when digging a deep trench though.
   / Can I move my machine like this? #10  
Yup, do it all the time on my B2650/BH77. Just watch that you're smooth and slow on the boom swing control if you use it to move a bit sideways, too. The side to side motion the boom swinging can impart amplifies the pressure on the lever, by body weight momentum, causing the sideways movement to get amplified by my hand pressure on the stick getting increased by the motion itself... and I've learned to be very careful doing that now, as the first few times the amplification effect thrust me sharply against the rops vertical post a few times.