c.t.o.a. discussion board

   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #11  
Thanks for the info. I used to read that board religiously every day. It wis very full of useful and pertinant data for the Chinese tractors. Hopefully it will be up and running..

   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #12  
Current post (6/9, 4:35PM) from Worldscrossing Sysop:

{Status update: Unchanged - our tech staff is still working on it and I'll let you know when they have a clearer timeframe for finishing.

Fallout shelter update: It's getting pretty rowdy in here (if this is shelter, give me fallout!). I'm going to freeze the threads for now and see if we can't clean it out and make it a little more shelter and a little less fallout. }

FWIW, DIYGuy (MarkS)
   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #13  
I found a pathway to get in...only on odd hours though...

Go to http://wc3.worldcrossing.com/ and log in. Once you log in, it will show you the forums that you belong to, including the Chinese Tractor Message Board.

You cat get to it from there on odd hours. Link from CTOA.NET is busted to this location.
   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #14  
I've created a forum so at least our virtual chat room is back. No response from Hal at all, so engineers do what engineers do, we build things, usually without plans... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


I have no idea where this is leading...all I hear is Robbie the Robot "Danger DIYGuy...Danger". /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #15  
I've added links from http://www.DIYQuest.com to the worldcrossing Message Board.

The forum is free, I think I've got it set up with the same features as the CTOA. We'll soon know... /forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #16  
Just checked it and it looks like WorldCrossing is down again. I'll post here when I notice it's back up.
   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #18  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( so engineers do what engineers do, we build things, usually without plans... )</font>

I don't know how it is where you work, but here is how it usually goes where I work:

-IF- a job has plans / schematics, by the time it is finished, the layout will be so significantly different than the original drawings as to render them useless to use for troubleshooting.
ergo, most of our work gets mocked up on the fly, usually in -needed it yesterday fashion-, as we have little to no interdepartment communication, and any communication that does occour.. is incorrect..., understates requirements, etc.
On the flip side, any work that we have to submit plans for, after the fact, are usually good plans, as we can sit down and reverse engineer everything.
I love my job /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #19  

it sounds like you have a job like I have, build it first them make the plans fit! lol. all our plans start life as chaulk drawings on the floor then we build it!

mark M

take a look

   / c.t.o.a. discussion board #20  
Remember, they would wait and give you napkins with the meal if they didn't want you drawing on them.

MarkS (DIYGuy)