BX2660 shut down, will not start

   / BX2660 shut down, will not start #1  


Platinum Member
Jun 3, 2009
Central Kentucky
Kubota B2601
I just spent three hours removing snow and breaking up ice on our looong, hilly gravel driveway. Then I ran a load of garbage to the end of the road with the BX2660, pushed in the parking brake, and hopped off to unload the trash. As soon as I got off, the engine quit. I figured that I must not have pushed in the brake and locked it properly. After putting away the trash, I got back on and tried to start it up, but it would not turn over. I moved the HST around, made sure I hadn't accidentally engaged the PTO when I got off, etc.

Then I walked back down the driveway. Did I mention how long and hilly it is? :(

Is this probably an issue with the kill switch in the seat? If so, what's the best work-around? What else should I look at?


   / BX2660 shut down, will not start #2  
You can unplus the seat shutoff and jumper it to bypass.

My guess would have been the peddle but you said you moved it around. Are you sure it's centered?

Is it in neutral when trying to start?
   / BX2660 shut down, will not start
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I tried starting both in gear and in neutral. The dash lights come on, and I can hear the fuel pump clicking as usual, but it does not even attempt to turn over. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an HST issue...I tried moving it around and back to center several times, but to no avail.
   / BX2660 shut down, will not start #4  
I've experienced the same thing with my 2660. The first time I did not know what in the world I was going to do to get the tractor back to the shop.

I wiggled the PTO lever and it finally started.

Since then when it happens I just pull the PTO lever all the way back, and it always worked. I don't know if the spring needs to be stronger or what, but it takes just a second for me to push backwards on the lever so I've never addressed it further.

I hope your problem is a simple as mine was.
   / BX2660 shut down, will not start #5  
It's always been the pto lever on my BX when that happens.
   / BX2660 shut down, will not start #7  
Either the PTO lever, or the fwd/rev pedal is the culprit around here. Usually, its the PTO lever.

Aaron Z
   / BX2660 shut down, will not start
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Well, it can't hurt to go out and move around the PTO and HST forward/reverse again tomorrow afternoon.

Any other thoughts, just in case they don't do the trick?
   / BX2660 shut down, will not start #9  
Bad battery or loose battery cable would be my next guess.