Brown Snot in diesel fuel?

   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 4, 2015
Greene, Iowa
John Deere 855, John Deere 530R zero turn, Allis Chalmers D17 III, Ford 9N - SOLD, Kubota B1550, Yamaha Timberwolf 250, Husky saws, H & H 10k and Carry-On trailers
Over the weekend I was called on to fix the SIL's little Kubota B1550, that had no power, then died (again). I've worked on this issue a few times before (twice in the last year), but his time I noticed the fuel filter bowel was black and only half full. I took the filter out and cleaned some brownish goo/snot off of it (soft gooey stuff). When I opened up the inlet petcock, fuel only dribbled out. I ran a wire up the hose, but it wouldn't go up into the tank (there may be a 90 fitting there) - I couldn't see. I then blew air into the hose and cleaned out whatever the blockage was (blew it back into the tank :(). Fuel now flows like crazy and it runs fine. I let a bunch run out of the hose, got a sample of the fuel and it looks clean - no water or goo floating around. No pics.

1. What is this "snot" like stuff?
2. How can I get rid of it (with some additive hopefully - taking the tank off/out to clean is dang near impossible)?
   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel? #3  
My guess would be an algae build up. Additives will kill the algae but over time the sludge will probably migrate to the outflow of the tank. You should probably drain the tank then clean it as best you can. An extension nozzle rigged on your shop vac might do the trick or at least remove much of it. You could also try mopping the inside of the empty tank. I have no idea what would dissolve the mass.
   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel?
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   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel? #5  
Dish soap (I use Dawn) and water works pretty well to break it up. Agitation and high pressure water helps the soap remove it. It's entirely resistant to all petrochemicals I tried including spray carb cleaner.
   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel?
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Dish soap (I use Dawn) and water works pretty well to break it up. Agitation and high pressure water helps the soap remove it. It's entirely resistant to all petrochemicals I tried including spray carb cleaner.
Yeah, if there wasn't a cab, loader and all the other stuff in the way, I could pull the tank for a proper cleanout. Not gonna happen...
   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel? #7  
Yeah, if there wasn't a cab, loader and all the other stuff in the way, I could pull the tank for a proper cleanout. Not gonna happen...
Can you do a hot soapy water wash and rinse? Can the petcock be removed so the gunk can get out? Then you may use a air wand to blow much of the water out and then air dry. Good luck.
   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel? #8  
I have no idea what would dissolve the mass.
NOTHING short of as good cleaning and flush out and continual use of a biocide. The 'goo' is the dead exoskeletons of the algae, Don't ever buy B20 either, That stuff is an algae magnet. I use Bio-Kleen myself. Every tank full. Follow the instructions on the bottle. I little goes a LONG way.
   / Brown Snot in diesel fuel? #9  
Your problem is a "go big or go home" problem. Totally drain, flush, and clean the tank as best you can. Flush all fuel lines, replace fuel filters. Anything less and you will likely be in the same position in a short time.
Microbial contamination in diesel requires water to be present. Check the source, and how the fuel and tractor are stored.
It's not a pleasant task, best of luck!