boot covers?

   / boot covers? #1  


Elite Member
Mar 9, 2009
Lee, IL
John Deere 1070
The propane guy was here delivering yesterday and I noticed he was wearing some boot covers. I asked him about them and he said they were incredibly warm. I also noticed they were "made in USA" so I thought I would look into them. The problem is, I don't remember the name. I should have asked where he got them, but I forgot. The name was "[something] outfitters" but I can't remember the rest. They basically were black nylon/canvas type material with a couple buckles and they wrapped around your boot. These were different than others that I have seen that go around the uppers and keep snow out, they actually wrapped around the whole boot and I think they had some sort of cleats on the bottom. Any ideas?
   / boot covers? #5  
   / boot covers?
  • Thread Starter
   / boot covers? #9  
Neo's are very good and they keep your feet warm
Great for working on the RR
   / boot covers? #10  
Call the Propane company, ask them to have the driver call you, then ask him. :D