
   / Bluebirds #21  
Here in East Texas, the bluebirds drive me crazy. The build nests in just about anything that they can fit into. For a few weeks now, we've had one attacking our large picture window. Just keeps flying into it over and over again until you go outside to scare it away. The next morning, it's out there attacking the window again. They are a pretty bird, but not one of my favorites by a long margin.
   / Bluebirds #22  
Here in East Texas, the bluebirds drive me crazy. The build nests in just about anything that they can fit into. For a few weeks now, we've had one attacking our large picture window. Just keeps flying into it over and over again until you go outside to scare it away. The next morning, it's out there attacking the window again. They are a pretty bird, but not one of my favorites by a long margin.

They are a pretty bird. Before people started making boxes, their nesting habits usually required a woodpecker to drill a big hole in a dead tree or wooden fence post. In fact their numbers declined significantly with the introduction of steel fence posts. As for attacking windows, we have a few of those too. They don't hurt the window or themselves and I've never known one to attack humans. What I like about them is watching their strict parenting regimen. They tend the nest together. The male usually is assigned the task of "taking out the garbage" after the chicks hatch but before they take flight. "Flight day" is especially interesting. The parents will position themselves on branches/perches far apart from each other to observe (and presumably to defend) the little ones leaving the nest. Can't help but think that some people should take lessons from bluebirds. We are somewhat fortunate enough to be living in the middle of a huge state forest. Over the past few years large tracts of the forest have been clear-cut leaving a lot of meadows. We also have pileated woodpeckers (in addition to the smaller varieties) that must be doing a great job in making natural nesting boxes. A lot of bluebirds in the area lately.
   / Bluebirds #23  
I think the idea is to keep the hole pointed away from the afternoon sun hence not south or west. Or so say the experts.

Again, notice no difference.
   / Bluebirds #24  
Again, notice no difference.

You're probably right. Once they establish a nesting spot they tend to return. I built a huge "dovecote" house years ago in NY where I never had seen a bluebird. Was more of a decoration than anything. It violated every "rule" on bluebird boxes but to my surprise it attracted a pair of bluebirds late in the season. I figured their first choice was no longer usable and they were looking for anything they could find. birdhouse2.jpg

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