Back Pain

   / Back Pain #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 15, 2003
South Shore Nova Scotia Canada
2008 Kioti DK 45 sc
Once again I seek the wisdom...

Back story. A little over a month ago I injured my back and ended up in emerge. Torn lower ligament. The next day we(wife and I) started our road trip to Boston. 2 days in a car on pain meds. Lazed around B'town for a week and drove back. Went to family Dr. and got referral to physio. Did 5 season of physio. Pain has transitioned down my leg of and on - sciatic?

The interesting thing is(yes I know - shouldn't be doing it) when I work I feel fine but after an hour or two after work, the pain comes back and when I wake in the early AM pain is minimal but by the end of the day without working I am in pain. I split and stacked a cord of wood the other day and felt no pain.

Any one have experience like this.
   / Back Pain #2  
Drink a ton of water. Don't stay in bed or on the couch. Ice the area that's giving you pain.
   / Back Pain #3  
I am a PT and that make sense to me. Our bodies are made to walk and be upright. If it is a nerve pain when you sit around (or drive home) the vertebral spaces close down causing compression. When you are moving, bending, working the spaces are opened. You feel good in the morning because you are relaxed and the laying position you are in aides in the opening of the spaces. If it is muscular pain the same holds true. Increased blood flow and the movement helps the area stay loose and limber. During sleeping you are relaxed. If you are sitting around things tighten up.
Either way heed the above and drink plenty of water. A hydrated body is a happy body. At any given time over 50% of the population is dehydrated. Dehydrated muscles do not stretch and move like they should.
   / Back Pain #4  
Have your doctor schedule an MRI with contrast so you can see if the disc is just bulging or damaged, sometimes more damage than good can be done if the right course of treatment is not followed from the beginning.
   / Back Pain #5  
Dear Lloyd: May I respond to your query, one as a receiver of medical advice as well as a provider. I am a retired (75yo) Orthopaedic Surgeon and I did a fair amount of back surgery (in my former life). Several years back I blew a lumbar (lower back) disc when I was in the process of an awkward lifting of one of our children who was extremely handicapped with "Brittle bone disease" OI. The following day, I couldn't get out of bed let alone get to the "john" etc.I had little if any pain but it felt like someone had a tourniquet around my thigh and wouldn't let it go. It took 3 days of almost constant bed rest to allow me mobilization and about a month before I returned to my usual activities.
All back problems are unique and different. The back "thrown" out in a 20 yr old is very different from a 40, 50, 60, or 70 year old just to mention a few variables. In general most all back "problems" will quiet down with a reasonable modification of activity...common sense. If you want to end up on an operating table, which I strongly recommend not doing in about 99% of cases, keep pushing the envelope. If thing don't settle down after a few weeks with reasonable restrictions, by all means see your family MD and let him(her) carry it from there. Ask for a simple back x-ray first.
Now if this doesn't help, I'll be glad to make a house call, at no charge. I so long to visit PEI and see the House of Green Gables.
God Bless and Take Care.. Oh, listen to your spouse, above all.
   / Back Pain #6  
Backs are a pain Lloyd.

My latest Physical got told the lower back and the neck region are in the process of arthritic type degenertion. Can't recall the correct terms. :(

Doc said no more Moguls.:(

Really haven't been able to function properly for the last four years anyhow.

Just when I had most of the tools reqired for my hobies!:(
   / Back Pain #7  
I have had the same thing, in the lower back for almost 6 years, gets more constant for me over time. Sometimes the nerves on either side of my spine all the way at the bottom aggravate the muscle so bad they feel like "marbles" when the swell. Finally went to a OS, got the x-rays and an MRI. Stenosis was the diagnosis. The Doc also didn't recommend Surgery at this point, but did add that surgical procedures now are far better than in the past when they almost destroyed your back, now many times it is outpatient.

Best treatment for me so far and boy is it great for a week, is the stretching machine the PT uses. I need to get one of the "hanging" kind, mine dad uses one and loves it.
   / Back Pain #8  
Some types of neck/back pain are cyclical. The injury causes inflammation which causes tissue to swell that in turn can cause pain. More pain can end up causing more swelling, blah blah blah.

The first time I hurt my back I went to an MD. When I hurt my back I heard it pop. :eek: Felt it pop too. :eek: Figured this was going to hurt. :) It did but it took a week to cycle up enough to make me go to a Doc In The Box. I hurt the back on a Saturday. All week long the pain got worse and worse until the on Sunday morning, a week later, I woke up in great pain and went to the DITB. They did Xrays, told me to take Ibuprofin and go see my doc on Monday. :eek:

I took the meds and was feeling pretty good Sunday night. Decided a nice hot shower would be great. :eek: I did not know it at the time but heat can cause inflammation and kick up the pain. I took the shower at 10:00pm ish. I was at the ER at 2:00am. They told me to take Ibuprofin and see my doc. Ah. Thanks. :eek:

Got to a sports med doc 6-8 hours later who pumped me full of pain killer, muscle relaxer, steroids, and other drugs. I was out of work for a week a drooling lump on the couch. My manager at work was talking about putting me on disability. :eek: But the treatment worked in that I was able to get back to work. The pain was greatly reduced.

The problem was I was not healed.

A few months later I over did it building a retaining wall foundation over the weekend. :eek: I felt the pain building back up. I could tell that if something was not done I would be in the ER again over the weekend.

The wifey had been nagging me to go to a Chiropractor. My family has had quite a few problems with bad MD's. Chiropractors really got my skeptical up. :laughing: But I was between a rock and a hard place and feeling it, so I went to her Bone Cracker on a Friday.

By the time I see him the pain is really up there. I was in bad shape. He did an exam. Take more Xrays. The Bone Cracker sits me down and tells me to come back on Monday and we will start treatment. :eek: Over the weekend I am to take Ibuprofin and to ice my shoulder every hour for seven minutes for as many hours as I can. I did not say anything but the look on my face must have said something. I was thinking there was no way I am getting through the weekend. He gave me his card and told me to call if the pain got bad...

So I went home and did what I was told. Ice and Ibuprofin lowered the pain greatly. I actually could function without being turned into a drug addled mess. Eventually the Bone Cracker healed my back.

Then we had a car accident and I got to repeat the exercise. :eek: But I am lucky in that I have not needed surgery and the Bone Cracker treatment worked. Others are not so lucky.

But I did learn that simple over the counter drugs and ice can do wonders. The ice and drugs lowers the inflammation and thus the pain which gives you a chance to heal.

After the accident I even did accupuncture which worked. Do not understand it but it removed the pain. Frankly, my pain was so bad that if someone told me to run around the house, counter clockwise at midnight, under a full moon, singing It is a Small World to remove the pain I would have done it. :D

Since the MD route did not help, try a Bone Cracker. The guy we go to now, our first Bone Cracker moved to be closer to his family, uses this little itty bitty gun like thing to do adjustments. Not traumatic at all though he does do the other techniques that really can crack bones. The first Bone Cracker was very physical which did not hurt but having your back/neck cracked like he did was a bit odd. Never really liked it but it worked. :laughing:

The wifey's shoulder was really messed up in the car accident. She went to the ER. She went to the Bone Cracker who pretty quickly realized she was not getting better and told her to get to an Ortho. The Ortho doc had her do close to a year of PT which did not help at all.

He then wanted to just shoot her full of steroids. At that point we figured he had reached his level of competence and we did what we should have done at first, which was go to one of the local teaching universities. :eek: We ended up with an Ortho doc at Duke. After two surgeries, PT, and accupuncture the wifey is almost back to where she was prior to the accident that was almost three years ago.

The hard part in all of this is finding good MDs, Bone Crackers and PT people....

   / Back Pain #10  
Studies show that rest is not always best:

Exercise and Back Pain

Any suggestions for a good back mattress. I bought an OBUS Form Mattress last month and it craters slightly and bends me which is why I changed out the last mattress. This is the second mattress in two years that is supposed to be good for your back and it........... Momma says not a problem on her side, lol, I have a hundred pounds on her and she lets me know it, lol.