
   / B7500 #1  


May 19, 2000
Central Kentucky
2000 B7500DT
Seems like everyone is pushing the BX2200 and then straight to the B2410 and larger. Is there something I should know about the 7500? I'm within days of buying one and can't understand the lack of positive discussion. As far as my own shopping has gone it seems to be the most tractor one can get for less than $9K.
   / B7500 #2  
My only concern with the 7500 is the lack of position control on the 3 point. Other than that it should perform similarily to my B1700, and I am completely satisfied with that. For a more in-depth discussion of position control, check the archives for a thread comparing the B7500 and the B2100.
   / B7500 #3  

Does the BX have position control?


We boys and our toys!
   / B7500 #4  
Get the B7500, you'll love it. I've got the B2100 - it has plenty of power, doesn't cost much, and has decent ground clearance.
   / B7500 #5  
YES! UP AND DOWN Both those positions are easy to locate.

In between, yes it also has position control, but not the boring move the lever and be done like the "big" tractors, a unique process where you get to try your skill and test your patience as a member of the human race...

Just a little more, almost...need to goose it again...oops too far bounce it up...oops too far. Kind of like those midway shows (carnivals) where you can't knock the bottles over even if you get them dead center with a 100mph fastball. Gauge wheels on the rake work much better, at least they are the same everytime I drop the thing. People have told me I will develop a skill for this. Wife doesn't see a problem, but people who clear their land with a sickle don't see a problem either...until they've used a brush hog.

What is different on this internally? I don't know but if there was a way to change this I'd sure do it. Wish Kubota was listening and understood the word OPTION FOR EXTRA MONEY...OR UPGRADE. The computer hardware and software folks should talk to Kubota about making money...yes we have the 80 Terrahz chip available, put it in my computer but we can't release it for general distribution first we have to get those goofs to by a 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 etc etc.

I don't want Kubota obseleting anything but not having position control on anything with a 3 point and a PTO is a huge waste of everyones time, unless I'm missing something!

Different strokes...if the tractor is blue green orange red it's probably a good unit, but you can drive yourself nuts looking at hydraulic flow or other features and come to the conclusion you want this off the NH, this off the JD, but that off the Kubota. /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
   / B7500
  • Thread Starter
Ok, Thanks, The dealer finally got the wheels and tires in. My wife and I went and looked at it partially put together after work today. I've looked at a lot of tractors in the past month, both new and used and I have to say that this was the best looking unit that fits my budget that I have seen yet. The dealer is bringing it over tomorrow night for a test on my own land. I'll be useless at work tomorrow. We are going to try and take a long lunch together to go to another dealer and look at a BX but I doubt it will sway my opinion. Not much ground clearence there. I need a little more of a traditional tractor than the BX offers. Hopefully everything will pan out and we can just tell them to leave it here tomorrow night. Wish me Luck!
   / B7500 #7  
Del I can understand your frustration with this system. You should pick up a set of check chains they go from the tractor end of the top link to the lower pins on the machine. That will take the guess work out of your operation.
   / B7500 #8  

I love the excellent position control on the M Series Kubotas. I did not have very good position control on my old Massey and anytime you touched the loader, the three point dropped the implement hard to the ground. I used a set of $25 chains for the mower and everything else worked just fine at all the way down or "float" as many of the 3 points do at all the way down. Not having position control probably only save $100 or so off of the price, and many people will never realize that they don't have it. /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

True position control requires a hydraulic position servo in the three point system and that is more expensive.
   / B7500 #9  
Art, hey thanks. That is in interesting idea. Would be nice if along with the owners manual, svc manual, parts book Kubota printed a simple guide to the tricks of using the tractor. Wonder what else I haven't figured out!
   / B7500
  • Thread Starter
I have been mowing with pleasure for the past week. 5 acres used to be a pain to keep up, now it doesn't seem big enough. I did see a height control lock nut do hinky for the lowering limit of the 3 point hitch. But I haven't messed with it yet because I've been using the finish mower. As far as getting it adjusted to mid float it has been very easy and once you put it where you want it, it stays right there.