Are you a prepper?

   / Are you a prepper? #32  
Unless or until the manure really hits the fan...stock piled food stuffs will continue to be just something else following generations will have to throw out when they deal with inheritances...!
You’re supposed to rotate it out. Those Y2K beans are getting kinda chewy by now. ;)
   / Are you a prepper? #33  
Growing up on the west cost of FL...we were always prepared (hurricane zone)...always kept a supply of food, water and fuel...every year at the start of the tropical storm season we would use up and replace the food stores etc..

When it comes to preparing for an interruption of what we consider normal conditions...what many people that live in more urban areas where there are sewer system that rely on lift stations...without electricity or fuel for big generators...sewers will back up and there is little that can be done about it...
   / Are you a prepper? #34  
Unless or until the manure really hits the fan...stock piled food stuffs will continue to be just something else following generations will have to throw out when they deal with inheritances...!
I don't know about that. I still eat things my grandma canned in 1986. I know it's old because she died in 1988.
   / Are you a prepper? #35  
Most of the prepper "Kits" being sold, me thinks are kind of stupid and expensive. They are just a re-branding of "survival" kits of the 80's and 90's.

Having a big pantry is a gift. We are good for at least three months. I can't pass up a sale on canned goods, so we are always stocked full on the shelves with beans, canned bread, vegges, potted fish/meat and rice. Which last just as long as anything in an expensive prepper kit.

When the big, first Covid scare wiped the store shelves clean, it was not a problem at all for us. But here, I got lucky cause just before the scare I had bought two huge bundles of TP: Cause they were on sale and I had some where to put them. :)

Back when they were available at a reasonable price, I'd buy cases of the MREs for as little as a dollar a pack at gun shows. I look at them now and just laugh at the pricing from online sellers. These were great cause they were thought out and complete systems in a pack, 4,000 calories, and some even had the heaters. And they had matches and TP and Tabasco and those damnable freese-dryed Vit-C fruits that I couldn't eat. They just hurt my teeth. :) Solders complain about MREs, which one would, if it was the only thing, but I found them to be delicious while camping or in the middle of nowhere, driving cross country.

Prepper does have a stigma now, as some sort of White Supremacist theme that only those that survive the apocalypse will later rule the left over world.
This is entirely false. People will come together from every racial and ethnic type and rebuild. As this is the common interest.
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   / Are you a prepper? #36  
I'm not a prepper, but I strive to be self sufficient. When everyone was panicking about toilet paper, masks, hand sanitizer, dog food, cat food etc, we went to our pantry and had enough to get us through the shortages. When heating oil gets expensive, I stock up on firewood. When ammo was in short supply, I had enough to get me through. Seems like common sense and long term planning to me.
   / Are you a prepper? #37  
When we were starving post graduate students, with almost no money, we learned how to glean. And the gleans were always a treat... There are many eatable plants surrounding you right now.
Native Americans lived in our area for 13 thousand years with out shopping centers.
   / Are you a prepper? #38  
Wife is, Not me.

I'm just trying to manage the current, and pay bills, reduce debt
   / Are you a prepper? #39  
A while back, I read an article that described what that might look like. it said that the government would supply food and water to people. Then it said be prepared to "get by 45 days while the government organized the operation. I thought about that. Then starting buying and rotating food. If I had to depend on the government for my existance, then me, my wife, my kids , my dog and my friends would all disappear.

Strange, but I noticed about 6 month ago Tractor Supply stocked and was selling a large freeze drying machine. Cost about $6000. Had one on the sales floor.