Another child on tractor accident

   / Another child on tractor accident #21  
Quote from the article: "There was really no way to prevent it. There was nothing that could've been done to avoid it."

That's so untrue. It would have easily been prevented/avoided had the child not been in the tractor to start with. Wonder if the little boy having some fun was worth it now?

I know there have been umpteen threads on this forum about children and tractors and everyone has their opinion. My opinion is that kids don't belong on tractors.

What does the age of the person have ANYTHING to do with this? Are you saying that it would be absolutely impossible for what happened to have happened if the person was older? if the person's head was centered above the seat? It may be one thing to believe that "kids" don't belong on tractors, but the death of this child has nothing to do with his age. The line from the article that you quote says "no way to prevent." Do you disagree that something could be done to prevent someone in the cab from being killed by the projectile? The age and fact that the person killed was not the driver doesn't change the type of incident.

I'd love to know your definition of "kid" as another has question, but I truely don't care. I disagree with those that say you are out of line. I believe you're just sickening and are the first person I have even blocked from a forum.
   / Another child on tractor accident #22  
Quote from the article: "There was really no way to prevent it. There was nothing that could've been done to avoid it."

That's so untrue. It would have easily been prevented/avoided had the child not been in the tractor to start with. Wonder if the little boy having some fun was worth it now?

I know there have been umpteen threads on this forum about children and tractors and everyone has their opinion. My opinion is that kids don't belong on tractors.

Nobody was being irresponsible, and freak accidents happen. If you want to protect kids, keep them off bicycles and automobiles, not prevent them from riding inside cabbed tractors.
   / Another child on tractor accident #23  
Working in law enforcement and being in the military I soon on came to one very solid conclusion. All this coulda woulda mighta is mostly horse manure or rationalizations. It so often comes down to one simple thing, WRONG PLACE WRONG TIME. It happens all the time and people always think they might have done something different or the other guy might have / should have done something different and in the end it means little unless you are an ambulance chaser.
The best way to safe is to understand what's going on, how things operate and what can happen "if" the usual failures happen. Something like this poor kid was just pure bad luck. It happens every single day all over the world. The absolute worst thing that happens all the time is when some lame politician hears of something and decides to "do something about these terrible accident's" and gets some law passed. Hence you get the Nanny State where people need to ABC XYZ to do anything and of course there is nearly always $$$$ attached to it.
Any time you do anything there is at least a tiny chance you can come to grief in some manner. All you can do is be as safe as you can reasonably be and hope for the best. Worrying about these things will almost surely destroy your health in just as final a fashion from a stroke or heart attack as getting out and living your life doing things you enjoy.
   / Another child on tractor accident #24  
Quote from the article: "There was really no way to prevent it. There was nothing that could've been done to avoid it."

That's so untrue. It would have easily been prevented/avoided had the child not been in the tractor to start with. Wonder if the little boy having some fun was worth it now?

I know there have been umpteen threads on this forum about children and tractors and everyone has their opinion. My opinion is that kids don't belong on tractors.

No one was putting their head in the lions mouth here being careless. If a kid dies playing baseball or football or soccer or basketball, is it safe to say no kid belongs on a playing field? Sure it is.... it's safe TO SAY. But then, what else does one put restrictions on? One cannot avoid the eccentricities of life sir. There are no guarantees. Does one stop living as a result? What does make life "worth it"?

Prayers and thoughts to this family.
   / Another child on tractor accident #25  
and with hindsight, it is fair and reasonable to question the situation.
If the child had fallen off, yes, I would see that, but as it said in the article:
a spring on the crust buster disk came loose and an adjusting handle flew into the cab.
"Suddenly there was this terrible loud crash," Unruh said. "It shot forward like a projectile coming through the back windshield, hitting the little boy and then also coming out the front of the windshield," he said.
It was a freak accident. No different than if they had been driving down the highway and the semi they were passing blew a tire and the shrapnel did the same thing.

Aaron Z
   / Another child on tractor accident #26  
I have farmed for many years , the 60s at least . That is a chisel plow with spring loaded shanks , under very high compression . The keeper came off and the spring shot through the back window . That is 1 in MILLION accident . I DO not appreciate you safety Nazis wagging your tail

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