A Political Christmas

   / A Political Christmas #1  


Veteran Member
Jul 8, 2000
East Tennessee / South Central Oregon
None (at present)

A (Political) Christmas Story

'Twas A Week Past Election

'Twas a week past election and all through the land,
Not a president was chosen; no decision at hand.
The ballots were counted, again and again
In hopes that in Florida at last someone would win.

Georgie Dubya had won it, or so the vote said
And thoughts of his cabinet danced in his head.
While Gore and his lawyers, and Bush and his too,
Argued and argued about what to do.

When down in Palm Beach there arose such a clatter,
Where thousands of voters were mad as a hatter!
The box for Buchanan was too close to Gore's,
So Bush got the most votes. Should Gore have had more?

Then what in the nation's poor eyes did appear?
But thousands of lawyers and lawsuits to hear.
Faster and faster the lawyers they came,
With truckloads of briefs, and some people to blame.

And then the Vice President said, and I quote:
"We must do a hand count of each voter's vote."
The country then watched as Florida reported
Numbers and figures that sounded distorted.

The Veep wasn't winning; his chances were thin,
But he hoped if he kept up, in the end, he might win.
The governor's aides were upset, and they shouted,
"We've won the election. Why should we hand count it?"

Soon no one cared just who'd be elected,
As long as it ended and one was selected.
As they pulled Palm Beach County and counted again,
We knew this fiasco was not soon to end.

Thousands protested the votes that were tossed,
No one would ever concede that he'd lost.
The media debated long into the night,
Whether the holes should have been on left or the right.

And so no one knew from the west to the east,
Who got the most votes and who got the least.
'Cause ballots that no one had counted before
Suddenly showed up as votes for Al Gore.

The courts all decided; the votes certified.
The race was decided; it was no longer tied.
It took quite a while, but the count was complete.
One was victorious, the other was beat.

One of them waits for his inauguration.
The other goes home. He won't lead our nation.
The people were calm, and now so were their fears.
And the media warned, "We'll be back in four years."

Now our country must judge -- was it all just a game?
The folks down in Florida will ne'er be the same.
They have lost all respect; they have lost all their pride
Now the State has come out with a new voter's guide.

- Author Unknown
   / A Political Christmas #2  
I have a feeling before this election is all said and done it might be Valentine.
Maybe the two of them could swap cards...like I miss...be mine...thinking of you etc..

Be glad when this is settle!!

Thomas..NH /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif
   / A Political Christmas #3  
That is neat Scruffy. I wish they would get it settled. However, being the patriotic, flag waving, moms apple pie type fellow that I am, I will support 100% whoever wins!!
   / A Political Christmas #4  
Thats a pretty neat piece of literature. I too will support whoever wins 100% - as long as its not algore.
   / A Political Christmas #5  
Good Poem - I'll support anybody at this point except "FRANCO"
   / A Political Christmas #6  
Scruffy, Save this little ditty, and in four years you can post it again. You might only have to change one of the names./w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif I'm afraid this has set a precedent that will be followed in every close election of the future. Seemingly unending vote counting, gathering lawyers and briefs. An election that goes on and on, as if they weren't long enough now.
   / A Political Christmas
  • Thread Starter
Ernie, I am afraid you are right. I get madder everytime algore pulls something else. The latest round (court decision) made me throw the paper in the trash without more than a glance.