7753 turns into play-doh maker

   / 7753 turns into play-doh maker #1  


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2013
Central WI
7753 bobcat
On the 7753 Bob cat loader on either side of the chain case all the way to the back are two holes that are open to the bottom of the belly pan. When you get in mud such that the belly pan scrapes bottom mud pushes up through these two holes like play-doh in a play-doh maker. When the dirt mixes with oil from the loader makes a real mess to clean.
Has anybody else noticed this? Any thoughts on a cure? They are there as an a drain. I'm tempted to weld a plate over it and when I do need it to drain out for cleaning just grind the welds off.
Also, there is supposed to be a plate over the case and fuel tank drain. Bolts sheared-off and hence plate with them, this turns into a play-doh maker also. Any ideas on how to cover this back up? I'm leaning towards tac welding plate on, drilling through both, then grinding welds of then tapping out the belly pan. Don't know if I have the room to do same on side chain case holes. Also scared of drilling through, say the fuel tank.
bottom view.jpg inside view.jpg
   / 7753 turns into play-doh maker #2  
I have a 763 so not sure if it is similar. Mine has a steel plate that covers that opening. Is your missing?
I can see what a mess that would be in there without the cover.
   / 7753 turns into play-doh maker
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HarryN, that cover is missing. There is two other holes, just to the left and right moving towards the front. Just past the cover that should be there. Those are the two that have me perplexed. Even when the cover was there dirt pushed right up into the loader. Thanks for looking. So, should the other two holes have a cover also? Steve
   / 7753 turns into play-doh maker #4  
Well, on mine it's just the one plate and it covers the entire opening. 3 good size bolts holds it in place.
No dirt gets up there on mine.
For what Bobcats are used for, there should not be any openings under there.