2006 TC55DA w EHSS
Ladies and Gentlemen,
After spending too much time troubleshooting everyone's favorite type of problem (intermittent), I am out of ideas and so I come seeking the collective knowledge of this community. Please bare with me while I try to explain.
While travelling, the clutch randomly disengages and in order to resume motion, I must depress the inching pedal. I know that this pedal operates both a potentiometer and a dump valve so I manually actuated each and found that it is pushing the pot through it's full range of motion (or most of it) that permits driving again. This leads me to believe the EHSS controller may be getting a bum signal from something. It may think the tractor has just been started or the operator has left the seat.
I don't believe the problem is the seat switch because I first noticed this when hogging my field and the engine should turn off when the pto is running and the operator leaves the seat. Also, my seat switch is broken and bypassed.
I believe the clutch is physically fine because it feels very grabby when I engage it hard via the pedal but also, I can stall the engine by pressing the breaks.
I don't believe the problem is hydraulic pressure because I don't find the problem is exacerbated by operating the pto and loader while travelling.
I checked the potentiometer and found the resistance changes relatively smoothly throughout it's range of motion from ~200ohm to 1.4kohm. It's times like this when I wish I had an old style multimeter with a needle. I don't know what these values should be but my measurements were repeatable.
System voltage is >13V while running. I expect the electronics should operate just fine between 10V - 14V
Oil is clean and full with a brand new filter.
My inspection revealed no damage to any wires. Ground lug is in good condition and when I pulled on the wiring harness while driving, I could not cause the problem to manifest in a repeatable way.
I have a service manual on order but it won't arrive until next week. Hopefully it can give me more insight into how the various systems operate. A more reasonable person would wait but I can't let it go. I'm not satisfied without understanding.
If I have made any incorrect assumptions, please correct me. If anyone has insight to share, I sure would appreciate it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
After spending too much time troubleshooting everyone's favorite type of problem (intermittent), I am out of ideas and so I come seeking the collective knowledge of this community. Please bare with me while I try to explain.
While travelling, the clutch randomly disengages and in order to resume motion, I must depress the inching pedal. I know that this pedal operates both a potentiometer and a dump valve so I manually actuated each and found that it is pushing the pot through it's full range of motion (or most of it) that permits driving again. This leads me to believe the EHSS controller may be getting a bum signal from something. It may think the tractor has just been started or the operator has left the seat.
I don't believe the problem is the seat switch because I first noticed this when hogging my field and the engine should turn off when the pto is running and the operator leaves the seat. Also, my seat switch is broken and bypassed.
I believe the clutch is physically fine because it feels very grabby when I engage it hard via the pedal but also, I can stall the engine by pressing the breaks.
I don't believe the problem is hydraulic pressure because I don't find the problem is exacerbated by operating the pto and loader while travelling.
I checked the potentiometer and found the resistance changes relatively smoothly throughout it's range of motion from ~200ohm to 1.4kohm. It's times like this when I wish I had an old style multimeter with a needle. I don't know what these values should be but my measurements were repeatable.
System voltage is >13V while running. I expect the electronics should operate just fine between 10V - 14V
Oil is clean and full with a brand new filter.
My inspection revealed no damage to any wires. Ground lug is in good condition and when I pulled on the wiring harness while driving, I could not cause the problem to manifest in a repeatable way.
I have a service manual on order but it won't arrive until next week. Hopefully it can give me more insight into how the various systems operate. A more reasonable person would wait but I can't let it go. I'm not satisfied without understanding.
If I have made any incorrect assumptions, please correct me. If anyone has insight to share, I sure would appreciate it.