2 nd layer roof shingles?

   / 2 nd layer roof shingles? #31  
Membrane will not resist weathering hence a shingling is needed to protect it.
I actuallyl put down memebrane and left it unprotected for two years at the old house. It was in the shade and I was waiting to install a metal roof. Neede to decide colors, trim options etc. Not recommended, but it worked, no leaks. Jon
   / 2 nd layer roof shingles?
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25 years ago when I built, my bottom rows all curled after 1st winter even though I had all required venting.
The factory rep compensated me for that damage.
At that time he told me that the best roofing approach was 100% membrane coverage and then normal shingles to protect the membrane.
Every roof I did after that sported full membrane under normal shingles and none ever leaked.
Nice thing about membrane is the very minimal labor involved as after all it takes no time to unroll the membrane and peel the paper off.
Membrane will not resist weathering hence a shingling is needed to protect it.
Membrane in my opinion is a great investment. For one thing you dont have to rush to get the shingles back on or tarping. The stuff I use has a granular side to it And I have used that in one shed roof for over a decade and still no effects. They say on the box to cover it quickly and the sun probably takes a toll on it but in my experience It will last for some time. The roof I am doing now and asking the questions for here, Was low pitch and had multiply layers of rolled roofing. IT leaked so bad I had to rebuild some of the sheathing. Then it has a one layer of membrane over it. 7 years now. I plan on laying down another layer over it when I am done.It is well worth the money.

On a side note. I also had to build a ramp for my dad, and tried to find some cheap stick on treads. I ended up using the Membrane . 36 inch wide and cut strips from it about 2 1/2 or 3 inches and then snipped the corners. Set it on the decking when it was hot and it did a great job for years.

Many uses for the Membrane. including gaskets.lol never used it for a head gasket. I know that wouldnt work well.

Thanks about the fine garden lime suggestion also. I have that issue with the lack of sunshine. Sometime I have had to use a plastic snow shovel to scrap the large chunks. I will certainly give it a try.