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  1. S

    Mahindra MTill 120

    I found a used 4' Mahindra tiller for sale. It looks decent in the photos but it is definitely used. Is there anything in particular that I need to look out for? This will be my 1st tiller. I can't see buying a new one for something that is going to get used one time each year.
  2. S

    New L2501

    Hello. I have been visiting this forum for information for several years. I just brought home a new L2501, FEL, grapple, and forks. I live in an area where everything is still booming and overinflated. The local dealers wouldn't budge at all. I drove 3 hours away to a dealer in a market that is...
  3. S

    Syncro Shuttle vs HST

    I am looking to purchase a 40-60 HP tractor this year. The XR 4150 / 4155 seems to fit my needs. I have 18 ac, 50% groomed, 50% woods. I mow the groomed portion with a commercial ZTR. I want a shredder, FEL, forks. and a tiller. I was a Construction Super for 35 years but my experience with HST...
  4. S

    Howdy from Central Texas

    Hello all. I have been soaking up as much information here as I can. I have lived west of Austin on 18 ac for the last 25 years. I come from a background in construction, building streets, underground utilities, and drainage. I have always had backhoes, loaders, a dozers at my disposal for...