Recent content by GBS

  1. G

    Flail Size for a Kubota MX5000?

    Thanks again everybody for the helpful input. I ended up going with a Titan FMH 205 which is 80” working width and has hydraulic side shift. It shipped from the dealer via common carrier. I worked yesterday to get it all hooked up and running. I took it for a spin yesterday afternoon around one...
  2. G

    Flail Size for a Kubota MX5000?

    Thanks everyone for your helpful replies. The Del Morino 214 models are hard to find right now but they seem like a good fit.
  3. G

    Flail Mower Recommendations

    I am considering Del Morino flails which are in the ballpark of these other brands, if a little on the high end of your quoted price range. Del Morino gets pretty good reviews on the web and You Tube. However, the Bestco appears to be a pretty careful copy of the Del Morino so maybe they are decent.
  4. G

    Flail Size for a Kubota MX5000?

    Hi All, I am bouncing back and forth on what size flail mower to run on an MX5000 (50 hp engine, 44 "claimed hp" at the PTO). My main use will be to reclaim and then maintain perimeters of productive hay fields. The first pass may be brushy, but subsequent mowing would be just grass...